Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Retribution Honor Killing for Faith and Love Marriage

Many nations in the Middle East continue to practice archaic traditions including honor killing.  Modern technology has given way to a whole host of new ideas and ideologies to everyone around the world.  Human rights and by extension women's rights have opened doors to vast numbers and has threatened centuries of traditions.  In consequence this has resulted in the death of many women.

Honor killing is what they call it when a family murders one of their own to protect the honor of the family.  Obviously this is inflicted overwhelmingly on women.  In many of these countries arranged marriages are the norm and are strictly adhered to by traditionalists.  Just like Islamic extremism, to go outside those pronounced boundaries can cost you your life.  Though concentrated in South Asia and the Middle East the practice exists all around the world.  Estimations are upwards of 20,000 women each year losing their life due to homicide at the hands of their own family.  If a young woman chooses on her own to marry a man because she loves him and does so outside the consent of the family she reaps the consequence of severe affliction.

Honor killing fallback reasons include homosexuality, sexual misconduct outside of marriage, marriage outside the consent of the family, refusing to enter into an arranged marriage, participating in public life especially propagating women's initiatives, inappropriate dress and even being a victim of rape.  Needless to say that the "art" of honor killing denies basic human rights, recompense, agency of choice and the ability to live within those choices.  In essence, to superficially protect the family honor all faith in the pursual of personal happiness is null and void.

Let us keep in mind that many of these nations have "adopted" legal processes "designed" to protect the rights of women.  Most likely this is purely for the image seen by the world and not because of actual government adoption of human rights.  To be seen as protecting the rights of all citizens invites the aid and funds from other countries especially from the United States of America.  They will actually turn a blind eye to these traditions as long as its not a public display.  The link above is the exception as it was a public display thus prompting the legal process to save face of Pakistan.  The legal process will seem more bold in this instance up until the media dies down.  Once it does, mark my words, judgement will pass to dismiss the case or place a small fine upon the family.

Governments can get in on the action as well.  As a show of force and unwavering extremism they will trump up charges against women to protect the edicts of the central faith of that country.  Such is the case with Meriam Yahya Ibrahim, a Sudanese woman.  A woman who marries a Christian, converts to Christianity and is heavy with child is sentenced to death but only after nursing her child for two years.  In the meantime she must endure 100 lashes.  This practice is such BS!  I wholly understand that such traditions are a mindset in these cultures and is a normal practice, but these are the kinds of things that engaging simple civility should extract people from.

Women and men here in the United States cry "inequality!" in their daily life as Americans.  Take one look at the recluse life women have to endure in many other countries and then look at your own prideful heart.  Gee, perhaps there are people out there in much more peril than you.  Perhaps this is a call to reach out even more in our humanity.  We need to teach people of human happiness and that it can be achieved.  We need to extend that as an option and invitation to those who hide in the shadows of their own blood.

Could it be that by looking beyond ourselves we can change our own lives by helping to change the world?

It may be difficult to compare honor killing with women's rights, but there are places out there where the latter leads to the former.  Using personal judgement and choice to marry out of your love for another is a right assumed by those who feel the ancient pressures of strict traditions.  I only pray that the world will take a more civilized approach toward the personal choice of their citizens and families.  If you feel such brutal and gruesome practices need to be vanquished then what will you do?  What will you do?

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