Sunday, May 25, 2014

National Debt to Islam Extremism as Reagan Without Script

From the United States President Barack Obama clear back to the Founding we've seen immense occasions of scripted addresses.  Over the years toward the present they've been increasingly empty, and without inspiration both for the speaker as well as the people listening.  Historically, sitting U.S. Presidents have been termed "leaders of the free world."  I believe there is so much more to that phrase than rotting it with empty scripts.  Every word should be bold.  Every word should command attention.  Every word should show resolve.  Every word - should count.

Most often leaders court the camera.  They fear vocally mistaking their words.  They fear every question they are unprepared for as equally as they do the misplaced follicle of hair.  To me it seems to have manifest from the era of President John F. Kennedy and continued onward as a staple to the Presidency.  Though they seemingly have perfected the art of oration they lack the substance thereof.  Much beyond the content a leader must be able to speak from the heart.  Listen to the difference in tone and conviction.

Listen to an address by then Governor Ronald Reagan.  He did use scripted addresses but was among the top who at times did not.  This entire address is classic but 2:18 - 2:25 is of particular interest and describes most of us today.  Reagan had a way of connecting to the heart of the American as well as the countless in other countries around the globe.  He commanded respect as he commanded the elements of truth.  Today, leaders bypass the heart and head straightway to appease the mind or public sentiment.

In my own experience it is knowledge that dictates influence over the hearts and minds of the people.  It takes confidence and a determination to preach your point.  As an early ecclesiastical speaker I relied heavily on my addresses all scripted out in neatly printed form.  Though my words were eloquent they still did not pack the same "punch" as an address prepared from the heart.  I tried an experiment.  I studied in very particular subject matters so that I would be well prepared when conversing with another or in a more formal speaking engagement.  I found that if you give your full attention to the audience you will be able to express your heartfelt desires through your researched knowledge.

Its no revelation that you lose most of your audience when you look at your script.  However, in the above referenced video Governor Reagan sought out the hearts of the people.  He knew his stuff and felt the need to warn the people.  He took no word processed address.  He used no teleprompters.  He only took his knowledge, courage and heart and presented a powerful oration to the American people.

Knowledge, courage and heart are the qualities every true leader hangs his faith on.  A leader is willing to hold tight to the rope believing in rescue though suspended over fire.  A true leader piddles not over petty papers with words probably scripted FOR him, but rather learns and studies and focuses his passions for the betterment of the people above his own.

We've had Americans murdered in Benghazi, Libya with no attempted recourse for justice upon the heads of the perpetrators.  We have Russia reclaiming sovereign lands at will without being challenged or stood up to.  We have the government staking firm vast lands for the claimed sake of protecting gecko turds or some other "off the wall" cause.  We have a government happily willing to bolster foreign militaries while dismantling our own.  We have an American pastor by the name of Saeed Abedini who has been tortured in the regime state of Iran for the past two years.  I say to you where is the leadership!

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