Saturday, May 24, 2014

Christian Pastor Suffers Torture in Iran Hospital

A recent report from the capture and detaining of American Pastor Saeed Abedini brings to light the depravity of man's compassion and outlook on the life of another.  Due the mere proselyting efforts of this pastor in his homeland Iran he has been detained for two years now.  Though Christianity, let alone the evangelizing thereof, is illegal and forbidden in Iran the lecherous clutches of Islamic extremism promotes the continued beating and torture of Christians.  A step further, legal and encouraged, even the murder of Christians altogether.
There are many who say that Saeed Abedini reaped what he sowed by willingly and knowingly going into enemy territory of Christianity.  On the surface I would agree.  However, this is not a simple case of deportation, warning or slap on the wrist.  This is outright ongoing torture!  It is apparent that these perverse souls are beating Pastor Abedini to within an inch of his life only to do it again when "almost" recovered.  This is perversion and gaining arousing pleasure from the usurped power over another in its most basic form.

In a recent report the family was actually permitted to visit Saeed in a private Iranian hospital.  As in this report they witnessed him pulled from his hospital bed, beaten and hauled back into prison.  Such fiend action - in a hospital!  After two years where is the leadership and where is the outrage?

Regardless of where he came from this is still American the United States.  Remember, this nation derived from immigrants and peoples from all lands, colors and creeds.  We are to welcome and hail those still continuing to search for a better life here in the States.  As one who has taken the Oath with the arm to the square he is entitled to all the privileges and rights of an American citizen.  With that in mind would we sit back for two years if a sitting United States President was detained by morally corrupt and brutal imps?
Also recently, blogger Raef Badawi knowingly and willfully built a site with an agenda to spread awareness and criticize a system of government where religion reigns within the government of Saudi Arabia.  So far I have sided against Mr. Badawi because the law is being carried out.  Law that should have been expected.  The law includes lashes and imprisonment.  Though most other parts of the world including the United States condemn such extreme measures it should hardly be surprising when one is charged and the law is carried out in such instances.  In this case, yes, regardless of how noble the cause is he did reap what he sows.  It would be different if there were reports of repeated beatings and torture beyond any legal process or law.

We as a civilization have a long way to go in accepting diversity in the world.  Even more the cancer is the degrading responsibility of moral and even military leadership.  Countries and tyrants need a mantle to look toward for inspiration as well as fear.  President Ronald Reagan led the world in transforming the Soviet Union into a nation more receptive to capitalist and human rights.  How would Reagan handle the brutal persecution of a U.S. citizen being tortured in an Iranian prison?

The above video is representative of the kind of leadership that would stand up to tyrants and free a simple Christian pastor even Saeed Abedini.

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