Thursday, March 20, 2014

Russian Crimea Step Through Ukraine

There are various perceptions of recent events in the Ukraine region.  The intents of Vladimir Putin are viewed as skewed toward the side of tyranny.  Putin dresses it up as some kind of compassion toward the overwhelming masses in Crimea who wish to rejoin the fold of Russia.  In any case tensions are escalating between Russia and the United States.  To pour salt on the wound it doesn't help the U.S. cause with the weak persona that President Obama dances on behalf of the United States of America.

For those that know my writings it is evident that I have already written my thoughts on this subject and even produced a fifteen minute video.  That was just prior to the Crimea vote which the European Union and the United States disavows, and which Putin poses as a dowry to the beloved people of Crimea.  I needed a fresh perspective.  I needed a perspective through the eyes of those very close to the situation.  I needed to see through their eyes instead of through the lens of our media in the western world.
Pre-Crimea Vote Blog Post
I am blessed to have a working relationship with a particular community within Slovakia.  As you may know Slovakia borders Ukraine.  They are a wonderful people with warm hearts and an unwavering sense of hospitality.  I became curious as to the level of anxiety that they may have with the possible encroachment of the Russian military right on their doorstep.  As a precursor into that thought I entertained the scenario of a mighty Canadian or Mexican army (both of which doesn't exist) preparing to unilaterally annex by force the lands of the United States of America.  Obviously, this is different because the Russian military is mighty and real.  The threat of a risen tyrant from that source has ever been present throughout Europe.

I've asked this citizen what their thoughts were of Putin's intent given their proximity to Ukraine.  I believe that the distance from a focal point is undeniably relative to the perception of that point.  I expected their fears to exceed in intensity and on a different level than ours in the United States.  As I awaited this person's response to my inquiry I perceived over the next few days the pages of history, of armies overrunning countries and wondered if history through irony is repeating itself.

The first sentence received was the question we are all asking.  What country is next?  Obviously, especially in Slovakia this must weigh on their minds heavily.  Remember, many of these bordering countries claimed their independence in 1991.  In the larger picture that's not a long time.  In fact, many of these countries, though may not be communist, do still have strong political ties and views consistent with socialist policies.  These countries are still fragile in an area of the world with constantly shifting powers at play.  What country is next and how will it affect the people and infrastructure of that country?  I'm not advancing the personal idea that Vladimir Putin is pursuing to acquire key former republics of the Union Soviet Socialist Republics but these questions need to be pondered over and seriously considered.

As a disclaimer the thoughts received from Slovakia came from only one person.  In addition to the statement previously discussed it was believed that NATO and the western allies would probably not act on further aggression into Ukraine.  This would essentially be using Ukraine as a political pawn or an appeasement in thwarting possible war.  There is the belief that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) can be relied on by new European Union countries.  If this trust proves untrue it is believed that it would be the end of Europe as it is known today.

It is evident that the NATO alliance is key.  The leadership and strength of the United States is key.  These two components, mainly leaning toward the latter, are essential in suppressing tyrannical actions but those who hold no core belief in international policy.  A hallmark of this belief is when action is taken against a country whom you already have power over.  Russia supplies much of Europe with natural gas and has enriched it's stronghold over those countries' infrastructure.  If you were the Russian President with this power, yet needed the abundant resources and food produced in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, it would be awful tempting to move in and claim lordship over those lands.  The danger lies in that mindset, will and who dares to act on it in these modern times.

There are those who believe that this is another step toward a cataclysmic "end times" scenario.  Some see Russia's Putin as desperately obsessed with reacquiring those lost Republics in order to reinstitute the USSR.  As throughout history and especially in the first half of the 20th century countries can and do fall like dominoes.  Will the unthinkable of so many years finally become the inevitable?  Will the two major world powers finally flex in the battle as Babylon?

But.....  Shall we take a different path, quiet the mind and listen to the promptings of sound decision.  In our decaying moral state do we have the qualified men and women in high places of influence that are willing to stand up for what's right?  Will they face evil and opposition even among their own countrymen in order to avoid war and restore order and peace?  We still have so much to accomplish and the potential and prosperity of man increases accordingly to the proper decisions we make for the good of all mankind.

The wolves are circling and the response I've received from Slovakia bear out to me that concern is rising in the shadow of a monster whom they've already encountered before not too long ago.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What is the Perfect Birthday Gift for Her?

The perfect birthday gifts are as follows: a new car, $400 gift card to Macy's, dinner at a fine dining restaurant, vacation at Acapulco, a new dress or perhaps just a relaxing evening in front of the television.  Now, for a brother thinking of what to do for a sister's birthday it gets a little complicated.

I don't like cards though I'll gladly receive them.  When I search for a card I inevitably wind up on skid row with the rest of the men at the store.  Guys, you know what I mean.  It's notorious on Christmas Eve to silently befriend a whole host of other strange men at the store - a store void of any women whatsoever.  Come on guys, Walmart, need I say more?  It is literally agony for us.  We'd rather be bound and quartered by horses before the torture of deciding on a gift let alone a card.  But we are men, barely homosapien, in search of food, bear skins for clothing and a pat on the back with a wooden club.  We go, we conquer and we feel like crap later for what we got for someone else's birthday or Christmas.

No, this is actually a monumental birthday for my sister.  Details on which birthday matters not.  Needless to say it is an opportunity for everyone to reflect and ponder the relationships we have.  In so doing I've opted to blog my thoughts of my sister.  It is my hope that through this exercise I'll have a clearer understanding of the family relationships that we are all called to strengthen.

My sister and I are rather far apart in age.  Spanning about nine years she became the firstborn and after my brother I pulled the short straw and became the baby of the family nine years later.  My memories are few in my early years.  By the time I was ten she was already in college.  So, for the purpose of this post to be served  I'll bypass the early years and concentrate on what I've observed in the years since.  The true masterpiece of man comes in how they rear their family and nurture relationships therein.

My sister is a woman of faith.  Having grown up in a home associated with the Latter-day Saint faith she has perpetuated that foundation into her own home with her husband.  All her children have grown and are growing with impeccable quality of character and stamina.  They have a firm foundation of faith that helps them stand in the face of life's storms.  History often attributes these vital qualities to the teachings and example of the mother.  Two thumbs up for mom!  Go, sis!

My sister has a keen sense of judgement.  In college she married a man well-fashioned for her that she knew would stand as a model patriarch in her home.  Not only does he achieve this but he has even served multiple tours of service during the Iraq war.  A model in the home - a model to the nation.  Upon his retirement in a short few years you'll both look back through the sorrows and joys and be content one with another with an eye single to the glory of God.  Yep, a great judge of character!

My sister is sensitive.  She always has been.  Though many would consider this a weakness I think of it as a pillar of strength.  The person themselves often don't always see the scope of their example.  When it's us we feel the weight of our own sensitivity.  In the case of my sister and those with this quality, that sensitivity invokes the spirit of compassion and self reflection in those around them.  Though it takes years, this genesis has a cascading affect that benefits generations down the road to countless people.  Don't change a thing sis.  God has imparted this virtue to you to bless nations.

Though over the years our conversations have been few and far between we do share a silent kinship.  We would come to the aid of the other if it be in our power to do so.  I love her dearly and seek to draw upon her strengths in my time of need.  At the beginning I said that relationships are to be strengthened during the journey of man.  I also said that it was my hope to gain a clearer understanding of these things.

Through this posting process I resolve to a personal inspiration.  At this juncture of her birthday and my milestone of having a rather robust belly I wish to strengthen communication between my sister and I.  I reflect and am brought to the knowledge through this exercise what a precious resource we've been given in family.  The kinship of siblings twenty years apart can be just as strong as those one year apart.

My personal goal is to stand before my Maker at that day and to have a confident joyous response when He asks, "What have ye done with what I have given?"

Happy birthday, sis, and may chocolate bloom before your footsteps.  May the angels present great waterfalls of well-churned frothy chocolate that rival that of even Willy Wonka.  Enjoy your birthday and expect to be pampered!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ukraine Invasion - Russia vs US in World Leadership

In March of 2014 Russian troops under the administration of Vladimir Putin crossed the border and invaded Ukraine.  This was a timely strategic move for Putin which has catapulted his image and influence across the globe.  This in the wake of the 2014 Winter Olympics which just took place in Sochi, Russia.  The United States and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) response has all the power of a snowball in a lit kiln.  What are we to do and what role should the United States play?

President Vladimir Putin has an incredible influence over many affiliated with the G8.  Though not able to chair, the European Union represents a host of nations in Europe.  Most of these nations are at the mercy of Russia and by extension Vladimir Putin.  The lifeline of these nations, being natural gas, is funneled from Russia.  So, in reflection little word or action is expressed by those European nations to adversely influence this flow.  This was proven at a recent NATO meeting where several nations expressed the facade of warning but without an wind to drive it forward.  This pretty much sums up the extent of aggressive cooperation from the European Union - understandably but regrettably.

The Russians have a mighty naval force.  As part of President Putin's narcissistic mind and the need to express a communist aggression, he knows that the Black Sea access via Ukraine is very important if not crucial to his design of intended influence to regional countries and around the world.  Not only this but he views the dissolution of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) as a monumental catastrophe of the modern era.  I believe his ultimate design is to reign in the former "glory" of communism in that part of the world.  The result being that the Russian empire be extended into every former Soviet republic.

The United States response has been very passive and non-demanding.  This reveals a lot about the United States and where we stand in the eyes of the world in the foreseeable future.  A military action by the United States against Russia will never happen.  The consequences of that makes any sane mind shutter and cringe.  There is no way the US could have any viable naval or air affect in such a Russian influence dominated area.  Yet what weapons do we have that may sway the actions of Vladimir Putin?

Before we get to that let me explain the moral and economic obligation the United States has to the world.  Against popular belief among the Obama Administration we are not a nation of bullies.  We have no more undesirables than any other nation.  The fact that we are a prosperous country endowed with the tools of liberty and freedom can either foster envy or hatred among nations.  In my opinion up until the end of the Reagan era we held a moral compass to the world.  Most of the civilized nations looked up to us as an example, a blueprint of the realization of capitalism coupled with a humanitarian and compassionate people.  Throughout the 90's and on in to the new century the United States began a steady decline of not only morality but also global economic influence.  The resolve of the United States and the leadership displayed by President George Bush following September 11, 2001 temporarily revived some of that authority.

The United States of America has at its foundation the basis of freedom, liberty and the means by which a citizen can become prosperous and industrious unto their happiness.  They have the ability through the sweat of their brow to grow their influence and to leave a well-mannered legacy.  The Constitution of the United States has, stenciled in its very fabric, the light that provides that safe harbor for nations bearing through rough waters.  Every child born under the banner of the Constitution has an innate greatness which we are not only obligated to share but also compelled to exhibit unto all nations.  Morality is the compass of humanity by which mankind is to live by and treat one another.

The world shall always have the need to have a worthy moral and economic example to look up to and lean on for direction.  If the United States fails in it's God-given calling to live up to this mantle - all will be lost.

The world is driven by economics.  Nations are either mass consumers or wealthy producers of goods and services.  In today's world those who hold the purse and influence are those who produce mass amounts of energy.  This includes primarily oil and natural gas.  For various reasons through deals made in smokey rooms behind closed doors the United States has become mass consumers and importers of energy.  It's actually an easy process given the rapid expansion of commerce, business and the need to transport goods and people all over the country.  Unfortunately this has caused a dependency on foreign nations that supply the US with high demand oil resources.  The travesty of this outcome is that the moral and economic lighthouse that America provides has diminished with this dependency in the eyes of the world including Americans.

There is a way to win this.  There is a way to suppress the aggravation of Vladimir Putin who depends heavily on the Dollar which we freely distribute throughout the world for energy.  At the same time there is a way for the United States to gain back the mantle entrusted to United States of America since its inception.

America needs to be producers once again.  Producers independent of foreign influences should be free to cultivate the vast energy resources which God has placed right under our feet.  This will launch us into a new economic era that will benefit the entire world.  This production will provide much needed jobs able to support families.  It will build cities and motivate innovation and industry.  Turning the US percentages into the favorability of energy independence is key in bringing us back into a proper light of moral and economic power.

Bringing home the investment of the Dollar will not only strengthen our currency but also decrease the pull other countries have on our influence and prosperity.  Russia's Vladimir Putin wants to expand and needs our Dollar influence around the globe to do it.

Reinvest the Dollar here at home - collapse the aggressive threat of tyrants against the United States and our allies and those we've covenanted to protect.  Why?  Because we've not only strengthened the Dollar at home but also made our chief protectors great and mighty once again - the United States military.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Catholics and Mormons at Mardi Gras

Here nestled in Southwest Iowa sprawls out a small community of around 5,000 people.  We have about 21 different denominations of Christian sects in this town.  In a nutshell we have a lot of Catholics, Protestants and a handful of Mormons.  In particular though, the Mormons and the Catholics have enjoyed a great relationship over the past several years.  I am grateful for their invitation to attend their Mardi Gras 2014 celebration.  The food was great, the door prizes intriguing and the company brotherly.

It is a busy time of year for the Catholic faith.  After Mardi Gras they will soon begin their Lenten season on Ash Wednesday.  Eventually the Shenandoah Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and St. Mary's Catholic Church will soon have another memorable joint activity in 2014.  Fond memories still linger of our time together during our Feast and Song as I'll name it back in 2010.  We also had a warm holiday together for song and food for Christmas in 2011.  Even amidst the efforts to bring our people together it is paramount to remember that we are all striving for the same hope - the full embrace of our Father in Heaven and the celestial accompaniment of friends and family.

Before I close this brief remark I would like to add something regarding the Catholic Lent practice of fasting and abstinence.  This one practice that Mormons and Catholics share may be among the most precious among the children of men.  I believe it to be vital to bringing the spirit - to the Spirit of God, that we may further assure our very being unto His will and not ours.

Though practiced in varied ways, denying the body of specific pleasures for a time is not only cleansing but a journey of the soul.  It serves as a reminder of the dependence or desire you really had for that which you've willingly abstained from.  It serves as a reminder that through Jesus the Christ who was stripped of even dignity we can overcome the body and magnify the spirit.  True devotion to this practice also enhances compassion.  We are to love the Lord with all our heart and to love our neighbor.  Fasting and abstinence allows us to see with spiritual eyes.  They allow us to forget ourselves in the service of our fellow man.  Without these practices man would forever have been cut off from the presence of the Father.

If we all look past the superficial dogma and stereotyping of other faiths that have culminated over the ages we will see one another as we truly are - children of God in all shapes, sizes and colors.  We Latter-day Saints look forward to mingling once again with our Catholic neighbors and friends of St. Mary's.  With the assault on Christianity churches are falling one-by-one to the ills of the world and the demands of political pressure.  Those who are devout and steadfast must find the humility and power to stand side-by-side with other devout Christians in defending the institution of marriage and the divine design of the family.  I don't say this passively.  If we fail in this endeavor then we fail altogether and have frustrated the spiritual progress of man.