Friday, October 26, 2012

Election 2012 Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

Election 2012 is reportedly neck and neck in the polls.  With just over ten days to go till the nation casts their vote we are now left we a damning question.  This is a silent question the answer which can save us or condemn us.  How in the world are we neck and neck in the polls?  President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney are going heavy these last few days and will continue to do so through Hurricane Sandy.  Who will save and protect this delicate nation?

All the polls whether the Times, Gallup, Reuters or other have the two candidates in a dead heat.  Given the current climate this is unconscionable and I don’t mean the farce of global warming.  We are heavily in debt well in excess of $16 trillion.  That’s $140,000 for every single American taxpayer whether you like it or not.  We have an Administration that claims no responsibility in these numbers.  Their tactic, their answer, their flaw in their upbringing is that it’s all the guy before me.  

The current unemployment is at 7.8%.  This slight downward trend is being heralded, and bears a stark resemblance to Obama’s 2008 campaign as the media pictured him as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  2.3 million jobs were lost last month.   How can this be a good figure in comparison to the declining unemployment rate?  This is bull!  9 million people have been purposefully removed from the labor force numbers.  Gee, that skews things!  Factor them back in and the unemployment rate jumps to nearly 20%.  This has everything to do with government dependency and expansion and nothing to do with Baby Boomers retiring in vast numbers.  Deception and agendas disguised as sheep are the foundation of how the government now figures the labor force and the unemployment rate.  All this to uplift the public’s perception of the actions of their federal government.

We’ve now taken steps to allow the government to physically police the people.  The National Defense Authorization Act is renewed each year.  Fiscal Year 2012 as signed by President Barack Obama proved a very fruitful year for this bill in expanding the government overhead over the liberties of the American citizen.  Though the verbiage steers toward terrorists and supporters, given the government’s accuracy record how confident are you in Uncle Sam’s claim that any certain American citizen is a terrorist?  Let’s be clear - that’s indefinite detainment of an American citizen.

We have Libya still fresh in our minds.  Yet, is it truly in our hearts?  As the story unfolds before our eyes we are now daily reminded that the Administration, and by extension the President, knew and had repeated requests for added security leading up to September 11, 2012.  It’s been proven that these requests were denied to the extent of the assassination of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other heroic Americans.  Four Americans - denied their right to life by their own country whom they served.  Yet, where is our outrage?  Where is our demand for answers and accountability?  This has actually become the most clear conspiracy in modern history.  The facts are very new and ever transparent by the day.  

How on God’s gem creation are the people of this country down to the wire on this imminent election?  How?  How?  I’ll tell you how.  There are forces at work that are unseen yet are so visible it’s uncanny.  Here are a few ideas that I feel are real and come into play on the hearts of this election and also the black and white decision facing this nation:
  1. Four years ago this nation was swindled as the Arab arranged marriages overseas.  Vast numbers of Americans voluntarily married Barack Obama and his Messianic messages of prosperity and protection.  Strike one!  As with any marriage, we are hesitant to call for a divorce so young in the marriage.  After all, isn’t it supposed to be “in good times and bad?”  The message was meticulous and seemingly delivered as Moses.  Yet, for those who chose not to see through the anti-Constitutional rhetoric, they opted to place the ring on the finger.
  2. It’s a scientific fact that most elements and laws of action will take the path of least resistance.  Barack Obama’s 2008 message was that he will carry us and make our burdens light.  He would turn the deficit around in three years and make us an educated and prosperous people.  This continues to be his message, even at the uninformed ignorance of so many Americans who cannot see the current economical and moral climate of the United States.  The choice of Barack Obama was and still is the path of least resistance.
  3. This is an uncomfortable chance in publishing this but I echo the sentiments of what I hear.  I love people of all religions and nationalities.  In potential and worth I often place myself behind all others.  It cannot be refuted that some of the reason for Barack Obama being elected in 2008 was because of his color.  I know it rubs people the wrong way but if they would just scrape just under the crust of pride they would know that for many this is true.  I herald the day that a natural born African American, Asian American or other may earn the seat in the Office of President of the United States!  However, I cannot sustain someone voting on the merits that they think it’s time to have that quality in the Oval Office.  That alone is racism above the claim I just mentioned.  It’s racism right up there with the extending branches of Affirmative Action.  These feelings also apply during this election year.  People don’t want their reasons of the first election to fail without a second term in Office for their candidate.  Why - because it will make them feel better...
  4. The media is another strike on the American liberty of choice.  Mega network media has forged themselves to be liberal.  Liberalism, in modern terms, denotes action out of good intentions but without regard or responsibility in the result.  Action is what drives viewership to the networks and discipleship to their cause.  Since the days of the Morgans and the Carnegies 100 years ago the media has learned to play on the public’s emotions and to subtitle them in demographics and statistics.  Dividing them and targeting them is the sure step in influencing them.  Barack Obama is a hard core liberal who relishes in government ideas to monitor equality among the people.  This is part of the Obama appeal that attracted the blind partnership of the media.  
  5. Everybody loves a mystery!  Mystery invokes a participant to inherit the right of dissolution of responsibility, and at the same time reap the benefits and recognition of perceived triumphs.  We know very little even after four years of the history of Barack Obama.  The big stink in the 2008 campaign is the possibility of the unconstitutionality of Obama’s candidacy by being born outside American citizenship.  True, eventually his Hawaiian Long Form Birth Certificate was released a couple years later it has yet to be backed up by a second witness.  Many today still question his nationality as well as his college transcripts and documents.  People want and need to know by what means he ascended to where he is.  If Obama can claim that businesses don’t ever succeed without the government, then by what means and powers did he obtain great influence and recognition so quickly and obscurely?
We live in difficult times yet we must learn to recognize who we are.  We are a choice people.  This nation is established to be a moral and economical compass for the world.  It’s to prove that a free people can accomplish virtually any degree of true happiness and prosperity.  It’s to succor the poor and the needy.  It’s to advance the cause of liberty through influence and the global fruits of the free market and enterprise.  Knowing this should remind us that the easy way is most often the wrong way to pursue happiness in America.  In fact, we should know by now that heading down a wrong course of action unravels the very fabric of this nation.  

Notable people have declared that republics and free people are destroyed little by little from within.  Karl Marx outlined in a frightening way, exactly how the United States would take the path of communism and socialism that Barack Obama has gladly taken the driver’s seat for.  Why is it that people cannot see that loss of freedom is not just in the passages of history but that it’s something real, alive and threatening ourselves and families? The national polls may be close in the race for President.  Either the polls are skewed and/or there is a serious lapse of Presidential qualifications in the eyes of the public.  Many will always vote along Party lines.  That’s as degrading as the racism discussed above.  The President prides on 2% economic growth.  However, we’ve seen fluke spurts exceeding this on the positive and negative side.  There is no economic recovery taking place.  Instead, we have a planned public campaign of recovery assurance while advancing the cause of government dependence.  There has never been a more apparent time to correctly cast your vote.  
Cast your vote.  No matter how you feel your vote is being treated it is still among the last privileges left us from the Constitution of the United States.  It matters not to me who you cast your vote for.  What does matter is that your vote is not cast for the incumbant President Barack Obama.  Four more years of his policies, contrary to the Constitution and the good will of the people, and we’ll have lost all sight of our nation.    

Before I close I offer one last thought.  I’m an elected official on the City Council and there is a particular issue causing division in our community.  It revolves around a proposed contract for our City Administrator.  The public sees an appetizing unchanged salary along with a severance package equally enticing.  The work force in this area is by and large low income encompassing factory and service workers.  All hard working, noble and under-appreciated in value.  Yet, because of the virus of the doctrine of redistribution of wealth and entitlements many of our good citizens are outraged by the numbers they see.  They are outraged regardless of the fact that this man has earned his education, put fifteen years into his work, demonstrated millions of dollars in benefits to the community and been a major part of the aesthetics and beautification of our city.  All that many Americans see nowadays is how unfair life is and they see no reason to take the steps to obtain the status they desire without stripping it from those who are already there and have earned it.

Regatta America'S Cup Bedding Coordinates (Google Affiliate Ad) 

I call upon the pillars of the world, the American citizen.  Come back to the Constitution, embrace the Declaration of Independence and learn the pure intentions of our Founding Fathers.  Once you learn progress as They have intended for this nation your vote will no longer be neck and neck in the polls.  Instead, you’ll have resolution in your heart and an assurance of the bright economic and moral future of the United States of America.  
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Friday, October 19, 2012

Shenandoah Iowa City Administrator and Proposed Contract of Employment

Shenandoah City Administrator Bo Harris is in the spotlight concerning his proposed contract with the City of Shenandoah, Iowa.  Many are cautious of this news invoking distrust and also envy.  Either way you look at it, there will always be people who disapprove of a vote or a way you and/or the City Council handle a decision.  Such is the case at this time with a decision the Shenandoah City Council has made in regards to a formal contract for our current City Administrator.  The Council voted at this last meeting dated October 9th, a 4-1 in favor of the content of the contract.  The Mayor of Shenandoah has rightfully vetoed the resolution which, in turn, will bring the discussion up at least once more.  Let me briefly explain my own reasoning for voting in favor of the contract and why, as of yet, my vote shall remain the same.

First, let me address the main concerns that Shenandoah taxpayers have voiced:

  1. The contract states a three year contract of just over $93,000 in annual compensation.  It is true that for this rural area of southwest Iowa that is a substantial amount to comprehend for most.  It has been stated that the amount exceeds that of neighboring cities.  This may be true, however, we must take a broader consideration of this number.  This is an average compensation for City Administrators for cities ranging from 5,000-9,000 in population in the state of Iowa.  There are jobs not in city government but rather in the school system and other areas where the salary bar is higher than this.
  2. The contract states that if removed without cause from the post a severance package would be in place.  This would include a year’s pay equal to that of his normal annual compensation plus health coverage and any accrued time off.  Again, for the vast majority of jobs in southwest Iowa this may sound unheard of and unfair.  However, it really isn’t.  Executive jobs more often than not have severance packages.  Some exceed even this one.  

It is true that if terminated without cause this would put a marginal burden upon the taxpayers of the City of Shenandoah.  Yet, to my understanding this contract is fair given his tenure of service (in excess of fifteen years) and the immense benefit he has been to community improvements.  Cities across the state of Iowa are looking at their hired staff, putting in place contracts like this with the assistance of attorneys.  Keep in mind that the severance package only takes affect when and if the City Administrator is terminated without cause.  It is my duty as an elected official to safeguard the taxes of the citizens of Shenandoah, but it is also my duty to safeguard the integrity of the people by ensuring fairness and acknowledging credit where credit is due.

I view it in a different scenario.  If a doctor, who obviously earns five or six times my annual income, comes into question, I’m going to be rather envious of his earnings to.  That’s natural and human.  If I let that turn into jealousy I may suggest that the compensation is too high and that he has no right to it.  However, did he not take the initiative and gain the college education to earn such credit?  Shouldn’t his tenure of service reflect his compensation?  Given the importance of his work and track record should he not receive some type of severance package?  The answer is yes to all of this because we know it’s fair, and we know that if we were to obtain knowledge for a desired work we would also want to be rewarded for the efforts we put into it.  If we let our minds go into a frenzy over a high-valued average salary or severance package without acknowledging the work put into it, then we might as well adopt the socialist ideal of redistribution of wealth.

Especially in government you will always have enemies.  In fact, in my experience in leadership if you don’t gain enemies then you are not functioning adequately in your post.  Having people for and against you shows that you are active and tending to the needs of your work the best you can.  Every person in government is and will be scrutinized.  The media, by design, will magnify every action into something mysterious causing distrust and anger.  In this process allies and enemies are born.  Bo Harris, like all other officials, have gained his share of both.  Concentrating on the minute instances is unhealthy.  The worth of an individual must be taken into account by assessing the overall job performance and accrued value added to the city through his efforts.

The City Administrator of Shenandoah, Iowa, has been hugely instrumental in obtaining many grants which have helped improve and beautify the city.  The City of Shenandoah averages $2 million a year in grants which saves a vast amount of taxpayer dollars.  He spends many hours a week above and beyond the normal full-time hours at the will and need of the City and the Council.  Given his position he also takes his work home and pursues city business there.  Throw in there the fact that he undoubtedly often gets unsavory phone calls from disgruntled taxpayers.  Let’s not forget that as a City Administrator he is in charge of the inner workings of the city departments including the Street Department, Cemetery Department, Water Department and so on.  Which brings me to one last thing.  With this new water plant project our City Administrator has been formally named the spokesman for it which means he is involved with many aspects of the execution of this plan.  Yes, that’s part of the duty and privilege of serving as the City Administrator but to me that’s added value.  

It is my assessment that the City Administrator of Shenandoah, Iowa, does a very good job overall and has earned every bit of what’s in the contract.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Battle in Second Debate of 2012

President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney challenged each other in the second Presidential Debate of 2012.  This took place on Tuesday, October 16th, at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York.  Both prepared well in the face of current events like the Libyan attack, the economy, education and even contraception.  What are we learning from these debates now numbering three including the Vice-Presidential debate?  Now more than ever a common thread among most Americans is that this is an epic election.  One whose outcome will take the United States in one direction - or the other.

The stakes were obvious in this second round.  It was clear that both endured several mach debates in preparation for this televised event.  Probably more so for the Democratic ticket since their demeanor has been more on the defense.  As with all campaigns the mud is now flying in full force and the victor’s throne is still up for grabs.  We are down to the wire though accusations of biased moderators abound throughout these sets of debates.  Also down to the wire despite accusations of biased media, by and large, for and in behalf of President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden - the Democratic ticket.  

In my own personal assessment I really don’t believe that the President wishes to remain in that Office for another term.  I’ve hinted to this in another blog post assessing the first debate but this second debate has reinforced this position.  Though remarks were well prepared President Barack Obama still looked tired and drawn out.  Initiative was lacking and he seemed content in offering nothing new to the table of election consideration.  Given where Barack Obama has been, from where his education came, his string of questionable mentors and by what powers he came to be where he is, it is evident that to me that he was born and bred to ascend into this Office and implement policies that are not consistent with the Constitution of the United States.  As a person I’m sure he is a good father, husband and fishing buddy, but in a place of responsibility in a country of liberty and power in the people, his mindset is dangerous and destructive.  

In this second debate the spirit of the message couldn’t have been more contrasting between the candidates.  As mentioned before Obama felt like he constantly needed to defend his actions and policies.  True, this was needed, however, had the policies proved a benefit to the nation the defense would’ve already been in place.  Governor Mitt Romney had a consistently positive message.  He also defined his place in this particular race to the Presidency.  In response to a question inquiring the difference between him and President George W. Bush, he stated that his place was to get the economy going again and to get Americans working once more.  Establishing a focused personal mission for the Office is important and channels the energy where it needs to go.  This also gives confidence in the voters as to the motives and drive of a particular candidate.

The biggest potential mishap for Romney came during the discussion about the Administration’s knowledge of the attack on the American Consulate in Libya.  The President passionately claimed that he charged the incident as a terrorist attack during his address to the nation the day after the tragedy happened.  Mitt Romney challenged this and held to the idea that it took the Administration fourteen days to even dare to use the term “terrorist attack” in relation to Libya.  Moderator Candy Crowley immediately cut Governor Romney off in defense of the President, citing that the President did indeed use the term terrorist attack in his address the day after the incident.  It was visible that this temporarily stunned Romney and there were even inappropriate cheers over it.  However, Candy Crowley after initiating her agenda on camera came out after the debate and stated that the Governor was actually correct.  A simple mistake and harmless oversight or gross negligence as an objective journalist?

Let’s move to a divisive issue affecting all of us.  Contraception as part of Obamacare was asked by a “non-committed” voter and addressed by our candidates.  I agree with Governor Mitt Romney on this straight up.  The taxpayer should have no part in being mandated to support contraception of another person.  There are lawsuits in place at this time particularly by Catholic entities challenging the Constitutionality of this law.  Organizations such as Planned Parenthood should not be funded by me or any taxpayer against their will.  Contraception and abortion is a matter of personal choice, and to make it an albatross on the backs of every American taxpayer is a disgusting exercise of false Executive power.  How can we be a truly grateful free people when we cannot even protect the promising yet-to-be born child?  How can we be a truly grateful free people when we cannot honor the freedoms of our people by helping them to make responsible personal choices in this country?  Irresponsibility should never be rewarded.

Governor Romney made a comment that I’m sure struck a sore wound in the hearts of many.  At the same time it struck a wound with the surety of truth though many would never admit to it.  He stated that a child is much more apt to achieve, progress and prosper if they have two parents, a mother and a father, in the home who are married.  That’s not verbatim but it’s along the same idea.  There was no counter remark from President Obama.  There was nothing laying out the foundation of a strong family unit, the benefits of marriage and the health of the home with two parents.  Nothing!  A President in a morally degenerated country and society lacking faith such as this should be at the forefront of the basic unit of society - the family.

These are difficult times.  These are not the Ronald Reagan years, George Bush years or even the Clinton years.  It’s even a different time from George W. Bush.  I view two major threats, each with extending branches:

  1. The economy is in imminent danger of collapse due largely to uncontrolled spending and excess regulations and taxation of the free market businesses.
  2. Liberties afforded us through the Constitution of the United States have been slowly sold away.  In the past few years this process has been ramped up in preparation for socialist American society.
We need a President who will honor the Constitution and discharge his duties within those boundaries.  We need a President at this time who knows business and to put that knowledge to the test on a national level to invigorate the economy.  We need to spark the fires of pride in the American heart by getting them back to work at jobs they can be proud of.  They need to be producing goods and services that they know are second to none anywhere else in the world.  It is the place of the United States to lead the world through example.  We cannot allow our good country to collapse from inside.  We must “provide new guardians” in our government as the Constitution prescribed for corrupt governments.

Mudslinging is distasteful in all campaigns, yet they seemed to have found place and necessity in public perception.  What is said about another candidate, true or not, is retained by the public mind whether they like it or not.  It’s become one of those necessary evils to degrade the other guy while trying to protect your own name.  This I afford to all parties.  Yet, coming down to the candidates Mitt Romney is the one with a true positive outlook in his abilities to create the national conditions of prosperity and economic recovery.  Barack Obama has masked the deteriorating conditions with his beefed up accomplishments.  There are no accomplishments.  Everything he mentioned in the second debate at Hofstra University as a victory has turned into a double penalty for the taxpayer.

Look at where we are today.  Look - at where we are today.  It’s almost four years into Barack Obama’s watch and he still blames previous administration policies for the current conditions.  That is not Presidential.  That is not responsible.  That is not recovery.  Recovery is not a country where a growing segment must now rely on food stamps and government programs.  Recovery is not when vast numbers opt out of the workforce because it’s far more beneficial to not work and reap rewards from the government.  Romney doesn’t degrade these people as has been reported.  He points these facts out so that we all can be aware of the problem.  When you are not striving to be independent or working toward self sufficiency from the government your confidence and industry suffers.  When that suffers your spirit and home suffers.  That inevitably affects your whole family.  Then wo be the future prosperity of the rising generation.

Don’t stand for status quo with President Barack Obama.  There is no positive promise except that the government will provide.  Thus far I believe Governor Mitt Romney exhibited Presidential character at the debates thus far over that of President Barack Obama.  In addition, Congressman Paul Ryan exhibited mature character worthy of leadership as Vice President of the United States in last week’s debate.  The Romney/Ryan ticket is the proper choice at this time for the top Office of the United States of America.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Israel and Voyager 1

President Barack Obama, Governor Mitt Romney, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and a whole host of others seem so purposely in the forefront of our everyday lives.  Perhaps rightfully so, but at times it is vital and necessary to take a step back and regain a sense of perspective and clarity.  To not only look at a painting, but also to take a step to the left and then to the right for new inspiration and new thought.  It's important to take a look at human events and achievements to manifest what we are capable of.  Such is the news in the coming days which inspires this post.  

The 2012 Presidential Campaign trail is a very important historic topic of news for all of us.  It affects our economic future, energy supply and perhaps even safety.  As with all of history we've got Democrats and Republicans battling it out in an otherwise vicious manner, as fiends circling their prey filled with the lust of blood.   So ridden with corruption have campaigns become it renders difficult to discern truth from err.  The benefit of the human family seems so "old school" that the entire fabric of human family and civility is jeopardized.  Yet, we cling to hope, that essence to a bright future.

Hatred has filled the streets the world over.  We've got riots in Central America, throughout the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere.  North and South Korea are on the verge of war as with the nuclear potential between Israel and Iran.  Terrorism claims lives at the hands of those without uniforms, compassion or self identity.  People cross the United States border in droves.  Some immigrants come in the hopes of a better life.  Some have mischievous motives seeking to destroy the mind and will of the weak with drugs.  A struggle of power of epic proportions seems to be escalating on all levels of the economic and cultural ladder.

I've just read an article that made me take a step back and to the side of the human painting.  Voyager 1 may have recently left our Solar System!  So now you say, "OK, what the heck does that have to do with anything posted so far?"  Off the beaten path, I admit, but what an achievement that will hardly get much serious attention from the media.  The Solar System is estimated at 7,500,000,000 miles in diameter.  Voyager 1 was launched September 5th, 1977.  All this should give us extreme pause and humility of what is possible for us if we put aside the petty power struggle over the lives of others and work for the common good.  

Consider what the Voyager 1 spacecraft has put up with in it's 35+ year history.  Constant radiation, magnetic fields, being pummeled by hard particles and undoubtedly jostled by solar winds especially in the heliopause.  It's official mission ended in 1980 yet this remarkable machine still responds to regular commands from Earth and sends back valuable data.  The saga of Voyager 1 never ceases to amaze me!  It's times like this that blow me away how anyone can say there is no God.  

Golden Record aboard Voyager 1 and Voyager 2

What can we learn from this simple activity of taking a moment to close the eyes and reflect on humanity?  Imagine your wildest dreams of human progress.  Are those dreams really out of reach when we've got a 35 year-old spacecraft exiting our Solar System?  I appeal to your cognitive imagination, your inner seeing eye and your ability to see beyond what's right in front of your face.  Does Voyager 1 hold a deeper symbol for all of us?  Could it be a silent petition to anyone or anything out there, even God, for deliverance from the turmoil and strife down here?  I don't know, but it seems that only a remarkable achievement such as this can be upheld by such unseen silent power.

Yes, we must tend to the problems and issues of our time.  We must choose and elect a President of the United States.  Yes, nuclear armaments in the hands of nations around the world must be dealt with carefully.  Yes, we need to deal with illegal immigration.  Yes, we need to establish sustainable domestic energy.  Yes, we need to save the family as the basic unit of society.  Yes, subversive combinations of men constantly seek to destroy humankind and they must also be immobilized.  All these are problems of our time.

It is my own hope that we can gain a larger perspective of our life journey.  We are given the privilege of dreams for a reason, and I doubt it's just something intangible to occupy us when we're sleeping or just plain bored.  All things are born spiritually before they are manifested physically.  So, manifest it!  Gain those long range goals and make choices and decisions accordingly that will best benefit those goals.  Tending to short term goals will always get you in trouble, but long-term will fortify your senses and bring clarity to your outlook.  

May we be humbled by our achievement of Voyager 1, the furthest man-made object from planet Earth.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

First Presidential Debate of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

The premiere of the Presidential Debates between incumbant President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney has taken place and now we must assess the results.  This was perhaps the most important debate of the three and will probably be the most watched.  Whether you support one or the other the choice must be based on history, record and the feasibility of the plans for the future.  To base a vote on the “likability” of a candidate is a wasted vote and a desecration of your right to vote.  Whether the candidate is a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or the Loch Ness Monster the choice must be made on the substance and not the mask.  Though, granted if based on substance the choice would clearly go to Nessie!  

Before I get into the Debate analysis let me pose a few questions that you should have vested interest as you consider your next President of the United States:

  • What qualifications of understanding should the President have in effectively facilitating businesses to expand and hire?
  • What passion and initiative need to be exhibited by a President to reduce United States foreign dependence on oil and energy?
  • What policies should your President endorse to benefit the greater American public vice micromanaging issues best left to state and local governments?
  • In these perilous times what role should the President extend, on behalf of the United States, to other countries and the world?
  • Given the climate today especially since September 11, 2001, what strength should the United States have within it’s military?
  • How should your President guide the people to cherish labor and earning for their keep?
  • Does your President or candidate seemingly know how to balance a checkbook?  
  • It’s a no brainer, but a valid question nonetheless.  Does your President demonstrate patriotism?  

Halloween Mitt Romney Mask (Google Affiliate Ad)

President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both were prepared for their first debate.  They addressed issues of healthcare, education, foreign policy, military, jobs, energy and Medicare.  At heart they seemed to have similar end result goals for the betterment of the United States, but it was well apparent the differences in approach.  It was obvious the trust and faith in federal government President Barack Obama has in these issues.  Governor Romney projected a passion of returning power to states thus reducing the intrusion and monstrosity of the federal government.  This was probably the most profound result of the first debate between these two candidates for the Office of President of the United States.

The hope and pressure for Mitt Romney was seemingly simple.  To be aggressive as never before and to openly address the President’s record of failed policy.  Mitt Romney’s performance was perfect in my opinion.  There was no “slam dunk” that leveled or took Obama out of the race.  That would be too much of a dream come true for many Americans.  Instead, Romney was prepared for any surprise attack or issue.  This was obvious as he repeatedly took notes and formulated comments as the President spoke.  He showed no fear but had great passion for free market and enterprise as one of the main sources for American solutions.  It is the hope of supporters that this message will sink in and resound in the hearts of the American public.

Halloween Barack Obama Mask (Google Affiliate Ad)
President Barack Obama was also well prepared.  There really wasn’t any apparent “gotcha” in the debate.  Each was cordial and prepared in their remarks.  Though truthfulness and validity in their professed numbers is debatable in itself.  President Obama was calmer than Romney though it may well be a matter of personality and character.  What disturbed me was the psychology of body language.  President Obama consistently avoided eye contact with Governor Romney.  He often looked at the podium.  Romney, on the other hand, demonstrated leadership by looking at Obama as he made his remarks.  To his credit though, Obama was prepared and visibly showed no fear.

During the debate I chose to be conscious of my own feelings during the remarks of each candidate.  Though the President crafted words well to counter Romney’s charges I still felt better about the outlook of Romney.  President Barack Obama whole-heartedly blames the current national environment on the previous administration.  This is especially on the topic of the economic trillion dollar deficit.  This was a blatant denial of a sitting President of any personal accountability, EXCEPT for those obscure positive perks in the public arena of policy.  This would include entitlement programs and a healthcare program that has not yet fully been implemented.  Part of the dignity of the Office is the ability to admit fallibility and mistakes to the governed and to move forward in a learned manner.  Never once has the President apologized, even at least in part, for the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression.  

Obama presented nothing new.  No new initiatives to improve our situation.  Most all his words were crafted to counter every proposal and fact Mitt Romney made.  It was clear to me that the President did not want to be there.  Mitt Romney was proactive with plans and a vision for getting Americans back to work.  This was the foundation of his remarks.  Get Americans back to work in order to have them contribute in taxes and industry.  The purpose is to get Americans off of dependence and on a track toward happiness and self sufficiency.  

As a part of getting Americans back to work, it was a refreshing reminder to the Constitution of the United States to have Governor Mitt Romney push for a power shift from the federal government back to the states.  He emphasized the brilliance and ingenuity of the Americans to mold and craft solutions on their own.  He used his record as the Massachusetts Governor to illustrate how his plans can work on a national level.  Repeal Obamacare and let the states legislate health care in a manner that best suits the interest of it’s people.  This goes right in line with the Declaration of Independence that states that these States should have the right to be every bit as valid and sovereign as France, Germany or even Britain.  This was a bonus for Mitt Romney.

It has never been more apparent to me that new direction is needed in the United States.  I can see government dependence at 60% within three years unless we do something about it.  I can see Obamacare bankrupting the system of care in America in it’s attempt to streamline treatment and patients.  I can easily see a sharp rise in terrorism on our own soil with the downsizing of our military and constant ignoring of our borders.  I can see the President’s beloved “green energy” initiatives implode without the free market to produce innovation, competition and open markets around the world.

I was pleased with the outcome of the first debate between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney.  I support Romney and truly feel him to be the best hope for America over the incumbant candidate and President, Barack Obama.

Monday, October 1, 2012

California AB2189 Another Strike Against INS and National Security

The definition of “illegal” (are you listening California and Mr. President) is something not authorized or not according to law.  It can also mean not sanctioned by official rules.  It’s interesting because a few synonyms of “illegal” are:  lawless, criminal, illegitimate, felonious, unlawful, illicit and wrongful.  Sound familiar?  Well, it should to California.  The benevolent state of California recently passed AB2189 which enables illegals to receive a driver’s license from the Department of Motor Vehicles.  This would apply to those accepted for work permits and young students as allowed under the Administration of President Barack Obama.  Is it just me or does anyone else see the moronic application of brain waves going on here?

I’m completely open to persuasion.  It’s part of being open-minded.  So if anyone wants to legitimately explain it to me, fine.  If the reasoning is fathomable and Constitutional then I will consider changing my position.  I feel we are a nation built upon laws, and it is up to us as the occupants of this land, to sustain and uphold those laws as applying to all of us.  Especially in today’s political and global unrest, there is no reason to allow someone into the United States without having some form of legal backing for being here.  If this isn’t the case then an "illegal" illegally entered the United States and has violated not only our laws but infringed on our Constitutional right to prosperity and security.  All this enabled under the Obama Administration.  Not just his, but all who have used Amnesty as a sole means of an easy fix to a present matter of illegal immigration policy.  

Illegal immigration is so termed because there is an authorized means of legal immigration.  Therefore, in order for the Executive, Legislative and Judicial (ie United States Government) to uphold and sustain the laws governing legal immigration, it is only correct to deem forbidden the entry into and acquiring work within the boundaries of the United States by illegal immigrants.  Not only does this support order within a civilized nation, but it also further secures our borders, economy and financial well-being of the American citizen.    

This nation is great because of the established principles of our Fathers and the opportunities afforded to all humankind to claim their part of the American dream.  For all sentient beings to magnify their compellings of spirit - that being the innate qualities of liberty, freedom and the pursuit of happiness.  Any immigrant who chooses to expand their lives as Americans and be a contributor to a stronger, healthier and more faithful nation, should have no problem whatsoever in gaining entry through legal means.  It is the true outward expression of inner change and hope.

AB2189 is a grave mistake by California under the Barack Obama Administration.  Over the past several years we’ve leaped into the mires of courting the minority vote.  This act alone undermines the well-being of the entire nation.  By striving for the minority vote in this bill we’ve diminished our national security, provided less road safety with unaccountable drivers, and perhaps raised insurance rates for law-abiding citizens.  Against all media sentiment, this law does not have the best interest of illegal students (if illegal then why are they students in the United States) in mind.  This law accelerates the inability to discern the intents of illegal immigrants whether they be criminal, subversive or otherwise.  

Let’s just put in perspective a couple scenarios:

  • An illegal “student” with ulterior motives gains access into the United States and becomes exposed to multiple materials in a free market society to carry out his/her true motives.
  • Same thing as above only now they are driving with a “legal” driver license.  Hmmm, that federal building looks pretty cool....
  • That illegal “legal” driver is at fault in a fatal collision.  That driver will probably not be accountable for anything since he/she is protected under the Obama umbrella.  Being illegal they certainly wouldn’t be subject to our criminal laws.

AB2189 supposedly supports specifically young students who entered the country by no choice of their own.  That may be a nice sentimental target to acquire demographic votes, but that still doesn’t explain why these young people will not become a citizen.  Many don’t even have a Green Card or a U.S. Lawful Permanent Resident status.  

Since when has it become so trivial and confusing to choose between doing what’s right, and doing what’s popular in order for you to maintain your office or status.  Releasing the reigns on illegal immigration makes us vulnerable to attacks, drug trafficking and safety hazards.  I believe it’s commonplace now to legislate the path of least resistance instead of standing for something.  I hope that we will endure the tyranny of what public policy has become.  Let’s strive to get back to a firm personal established foundation of integrity and character.

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