Friday, September 28, 2012

Amazing Benefits of United Nations Global Tax?

The United Nations Global Tax initiative is the best thing that could happen to the United States, England, France, Japan and the entire world.  The world carbon footprint will be reduced from the inspired $25 tax per ton on carbon dioxide emissions among the world’s elite countries.  The world hungry in third world countries will be fed from new global wealth distribution.  The world poor will have roof safe shelter over head, opportunity and Internet connection.  Wealth standards will be raised for all countries from the 1% tax on billionaires.  Steady supply of wealth will also come from monopolizing financial banking institutions around the world.  Trillions in currency is traded internationally.  Incredible wealth will be distributed to the lowly and poverty stricken from the taxes on international trading of the Dollar, Yen, Euro and Pound Sterling.  Surely a new age commencement is about to blossom into new innovation, prosperity and world standards of living.

Well - now that I’ve blatantly spewed crap from my mouth let me tell you how it really is.  Before I do, let me tell you that the sad thing about the farce above is that there are vast numbers out there, who are naive enough and ignorant enough and uneducated enough to believe it.  Sad, yes, but even more scary because numbers add up to government pressure.  Now, let’s lay it out in plain terms what was stated above.  Do you remember when the United States President Barack Obama greeted with bow before the Saudi King Abdullah back in April of 2012?  Use your imagination, that minute effortless part of your brain, to see yourself bowing before the United Nations.  Sure, you may be clasping hands, but it will be in handing over your earned Dollar to be pocketed or, as proposed, distributed throughout the world.  Is this truly what we want?  Is there that much animosity toward the higher income bracket and self loathing because you’re not there?  Has humanity lost all integrity?

President Barack Obama bows to Saudi King Abdullah

The United Nations proposal has met little resistance among it’s members.  This should be enough to make your bowels cramp up.  Why?  Because when such powers and leadership advocates such spread of wealth and suppression, of not just the wealthy but also the not wealthy and prosperity of all, we as a species have surrendered our rights and liberties to the One World Government.  You think your life is impeded upon now by your national government?  Just wait.  You haven’t seen anything yet!

It is estimated that the United Nations would confiscate (I mean tax) $40 - $50 million from billionaires.  Given the nature of government and the conglomerate 193 member U.N. in general, can anyone tell me truthfully that they think even a small amount of that dough will reach the poor and the needy?  Dare we reflect back to when the now deceased Iraqi President Saddam Hussein repeatedly violated 16 United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs)?  The United Nations was a farce and Hussein knew it.  Though political pressure slowly favored countries toward the United States in military strength, the whole affair proved that the United Nations posing in divinity as the One World Government, would quickly lead to global chaos and bring us all into disparity.  

Universal Map 30473 179 - United Nations Sanctions - Backboard (Google Affiliate Ad)

This is exactly the smoke and mirror politics that’s taking place behind closed doors among secret combinations of men.  Call it deja vu but the term “redistribution of wealth” bears a striking resemblance to the promises of someone else.....  Believe it or not, this cancerous virus of political thought is designed and carried out for one purpose only:  to destroy the Constitution of the United States of America and the precepts of free enterprise, unsuppressed prosperity and capitalism among a free people of a perfected Republic.

Do what you want but as for me I’ve got two choices:
  1. Trust in a document composed of inspired men who braved separation from British tyranny and formed a new nation.  Men who suffered hardship and disease among their fighting troops during “the shot heard ‘round the world,” or Battle of Lexington and throughout the Revolutionary War.  Men who could have taken the easy way out but were compelled to keep the course sure.  Men purified of fire to establish the Constitution of the United States.  
  2. Trust in modern men drunk with power and popularity.  Men who adorn themselves with political ideals that have not only proven a failure but have proven deadly as well.  Men whose agendas are not spirited in the welfare of their countrymen but in the destruction of someone else’s countrymen.  Men who control the population’s public opinion by reinventing the history books and upholding standards of stifling socialism and communism.

I opt for #1 and the document mentioned in #1 is the Constitution of the United States.  Everything about the United Nations proposal, which many leaders are actually considering, goes against the grain and fundamentals of the Constitution.  I’m not about to give up my rights and privileges to a bunch of thugs in high places.  This is global mafia right before our eyes!  

How is this affecting our rights, you say?  True communism doesn’t spring into effect all of the sudden.  No.  True communism acts as a flaxen cord.  A small grip is of no consequence to us.  We can break the grip any time we want to.  However,  as the grip remains we lose sight of it as it grows,tightens and cuts off circulation.  Finally, you cannot break from the grip and you wonder how it can be, because you remember the grip as being very light.  No!  Adopting policies into our manipulated public opinion cannot be allowed to trump the Constitution.  Let’s break the cords before it’s too late.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Be American and Vote No on New Constitutional Convention

The Constitution of the United States of America and the Declaration of Independence offer clear rights and responsibilities of every American citizen.  Given the political and the trans-Atlantic relations with Great Britain at the time, it is evident why our Founding Fathers provided clear rights as inspired to do so.  This became even more impressed since the Battle of Lexington on April 19, 1775, which started struggle for independence.  However, a growing number of modern influential lobbyists, minority groups and government officials and agencies, have been stretching out to persuade the masses into the need for amendments and updating the Constitution to fit the times.  Over the past 100 years we’ve molested the Constitution of the United States enough to the point that we now compromise every decision we make in the American culture.  What is truly needed in America is the return to the simplicity and acceptance of the United States Constitution.
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The simplicity of the Constitution is actually quite striking.  It is important to note that our Founding Fathers created a republic and NOT a democracy as modern rhetoric would have you believe.  What’s the difference?  The Constitution is a perfected form of republic where we provide representation to our levels of government.  We empower them to form, issue and execute policies and decisions.  Our leadership should be a true snapshot of the whole of constituents whom they represent.  A democracy adheres to the people directly make policy by way of ballot, town hall meetings or by some other means.  A democracy focuses on the principle of equality which is where many of our problems derive at this time.  The Constitution of the United States nor the Declaration of Independence state that Americans are to be equal in all facets beyond the basic framework stated within.  In other words, beyond life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which is due regardless of race, color, creed and nationality.

In order to desensitize the American public the term “equality” has increasingly splashed newsstands and made the headline evening news on a regular basis over the past few decades.  It has so ingrained the public that many feel that in order for themselves to be “equal,” their wants must be succored by the government in order to compete and rise to a supposed level of equality with the rest of their countrymen.   Furthermore, this succoring is to be done at the expense and punishment of the majority.  For instance, those of higher elite income are not noted for their ingenuity and enterprise.  Instead, they are so envied that many demand legislation designed to bring them low.  Thus we have the growing agenda of “wealth distribution,” or in other words the destruction of the framework of the United States of America.  The terms “equality” and “democracy” have been a designed roose to breakdown the fabric of the American tapestry, in order to bring about a more insidious agenda of suppression and chaos ultimately leading to socialism.  
The Home Front of the Revolutionary War By Catel, Patrick (Google Affiliate Ad)Puck Magazine: A New 
Understand well the difference.  Under our Constitution and Bill of Rights of this Republic we are opportuned to provide representation and we are guaranteed that all men are created equal under the umbrella of certain unalienable rights.  These include:

  • The right to speak your mind without fear of government oppression - free speech.
  • The right to worship your form of Almighty God without government interference.
  • The right to protect your life, property and family - bear arms.
  • The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
  • The right to replace our government if it becomes inhibitive of our other outlined rights.

So what’s the difference?  These rights and responsibilities provide the basic foundation and groundwork of the greatness of diversity.  Out of these unalienable equal rights we have the freedom and liberty to pursue different paths of happiness thus acquiring wealth, property and knowledge at different rates and obtaining privileges in diverse paths.  A few of these privileges many now consider rights but by design are not provided in the Constitution of the United States.  A few of these privileges or supposed “rights” include:

  • Health Care
  • Education
  • Birth Control
  • Homosexual Orientation
  • Same Sex Marriage
  • Child Care

All these are privileges that many have sought to override the majority through legislation through the guise of “equal rights.”  Because of the media and hidden agendas in high places this is a gross misinterpretation of the principles of the Constitution of the United States.  People have the right to lobby their representatives but no one can assume the right to interpret into the Constitution what isn’t there.  When a people start assuming rights and pushing their agenda over the majority you result in a complete breakdown of society.  This is happening in France as we speak.
Puck Magazine: A New Declaration of Independence 12x18 Giclee On Canvas (Google Affiliate Ad)
The ignorance of the American public has become a spreading cancer.  Part of the liberty imparted to us, is to empower the states and private enterprise to address the issues of education, health care and moral issues of same sex marriage.  These were never meant to be a matter to include in the Constitution of the United States nor were the wishes of the minority to be imposed by insurrected legislation on the majority concerning said issues.

Now we have people in high places of media and entertainment promoting the expansion of socialism in America.  How treasonous!  This country was never meant to be on an even field of wealth and opportunity.  That may sound heartless but it is true.  Doesn’t true liberty blossom when two people can achieve happiness yet be on completely different ends of the income spectrum?  Is it not liberty and the fruits of personal choice that one intelligent man can create wealth and happiness and another man be penniless and distraught due to ill choices?  America is built on men and women working and striving with their own initiative and ingenuity to achieve the American dream. 

For the most part it’s a pity trip for those edging on initiatives not in the best interest or agreement of the majority.  Here is a universal truth in a nutshell.  Those under an establishment are to accommodate their life and pursuit of happiness according to the accepted moral and ethical standards of the people as influenced by the articles of their laws.  You don’t expect the establishment to adjust according to individual wants and desires.  That strips the liberty of that one person or group from finding true happiness through change, acceptance, industry and excellence.  Now, does that mean to blindly follow?  No.  It does mean that you have the liberty to use the power of verbal persuasion to advance your views.  However, it is expected that when the people speak in resolution on an issue, the opposition either lives their potential within those boundaries or peacefully tries again to advance the cause.  They do not submit to anti-American standards of coercion, bondage, oppression and the prideful tool of a condescending attitude.

All of us are different but we have the priceless liberty to pursue unlimited happiness under the simple umbrella of the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence along with other inspired works such as the Federalist Papers.

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Though these words will hit few may they reverberate the intended sentiments that we are to be a God-fearing Constitution-loving benevolent people.  Though we’ve strayed under corrupt leadership, our inspired Fathers have outlined the initiatives and rights to correct such governments of tyranny.  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Consulate Attack Victims of Libya and Lessons of 9/11

The attacks on United States Embassies in Libya, Egypt, Yemen and other countries must be met with resolve by the administration.  Al Qaeda is reported as being the mastermind behind the wave of terrorist attacks on our Embassies, Consulates and diplomats.  In conjunction with 9/11 these attacks were coordinated, planned and executed with malicious intent.  So far, the reaction by the Administration has been appalling.  There was a time when the United States was viewed with backbone and firm principles.  The statements, coming from the Administration, have been just short of apologetic of the United States’ right to free speech as outlined in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.  

Benghazi consulate in Libya attacked as result of 9/11 response
President Barack Obama and members of his Administration have moved their lips only so far.  Their words, on the surface, were strong and would pose fear in any fourth grader.  Their words lacked true substance worthy of an American statesman.  Have we lost what America is supposed to be in the world?  To be the United States IS TO BE something more than the common country.  It is to be the beacon of a true nation under God.  That doesn’t mean we are to be extremists, as is the skewed view today.  Instead, it means we are to exhibit and internalize the morals, precepts and principles of God.  It’s not rocket science.  We are to utilize in our government what we have been given - inspired discernment through liberty between what’s right and what’s wrong.  We’ve lost this in our beloved nation and it begins at the top.

Cairo protest.  Courtesy Associated Press
Where is our resolve?  We’ve just had a U.S. ambassador, Ambassador Chris Stevens, and three Consulates MURDERED on our very soil!  Yes, OUR soil!  On top of that Ambassador Chris Stevens was sodomized prior to his murder!! Inconceivable! An Embassy is the sovereign property of the nation whose Embassy that is.  Have we not learned a damn thing from September 11, 2001?  We could’ve made a stance to last all time in the face of the world, of our resolve had we employed exactly what Governor Mitt Romney stated should happen when he spoke on September 12, 2012.  We should have a majority confidence in our cause even if it requires military action.  I feel that the military struggle over the past decade could have been marked in half had we had resolve in our might.  

Protesters outside Cairo consulate day after Benghazi attack
I abhor death, destruction and the horrors of war.  I do, however, use a sound mind when I say that military action is necessary at times.  I do, however, use a sound mind when I say that the United States’ obligation to the world is to have a strong and powerful military, skilled and ready at a moment’s notice to not only protect our interests but also to protect the interests of those being oppressed or threatened.  Now, more than ever we need this might to stand resolute in protection of human liberty.  Why do I make that statement?  We live in a time when enemies wear no standard uniform.  The enemies of today are trained and bred to blend in and work in secret combinations of men and women.  Their objective is to obliterate the United States WITH particular interest in targeting innocent citizens.  War is a last resort but one that must be kept on the table.  

Al Qaeda flag now flies over U.S. Embassy in Tunisia
I call for a return to standing for something.  I believe that many of our societal problems stem from our decline of standing for something.  Our nation thrived when we have patriotism and confidence in our hearts.  We thrived when we were encouraged to prosper by the sweat of our own brow.  Education was top notch.  Economy was relatively stable and we led the world in technology and private enterprise.  It has only been since we’ve started letting our guard down and commenced making a career of spiritual compromising that we’ve lost sight of what’s important to maintain a healthy nation - the United States.  Since when did it become so bad to discipline a child with a spanking?  It used to be a norm and millions of youth remembered those lessons.  Since when did it become offensive to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and to expect your nation’s young to do the same first thing at school?  Since when has it become the American way to be “entitled” to programs and claim it our “right” to have these handouts?  It is disgusting and demeans the spirit of liberty and the expansion of prosperity and the American dream.  

U.S. Consulate in Yemen plundered.  Courtesy Associated Press
Going back to the responding to the blatant attacks on our Embassies it must be met with a resolve of spirit from our nation’s leaders.  The United States is supporting the financial institution of many foreign governments including $4 billion dollars approved again for Libya.  There comes a point when we half to stand for something.  There must be a swift response, leader to leader, that we are coming in to remedy the problem if it’s not addressed immediately inhouse.  Our citizen representatives are being MURDERED!  Still, we recoil not in strike resolve but instead in cower and defeat.  Why - because we don’t want to “offend” anyone.  We have the technology, courage and military might to meet these challenges with strength and “confidence in our cause.”  If we can’t save face before the world then straightway close our threatened Embassies down.  To not react in a final matter is to shame the name of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, former navy SEAL and security detail Glen Doherty, foreign information officer Sean Smith and another former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods all meeting their fate at the consulate complex in Benghazi, Libya.  

Let’s be clear!  The intent of these attacks were masked under a film produced in America called “Innocence of Muslims.”  This served as a perfect reason to perpetuate a pre-planned attack on American interests abroad commemorating the horrific events of 9/11.  After watching several minutes of the film I must agree that it is a gross violation of respecting the religious beliefs of others.  However, being an American the producer Sam Bacile does have the right to free speech under the First Amendment.  Though that privilege doesn’t absolve him of the responsibility for his actions.  Nonetheless, the extremists are used to inflammatory films and works focusing on Muhammad and their religious beliefs.  They know that free speech is part of the American experience.  This one film was used to spark a long-planned 9/11 response by those set on the destruction of the United States of America.

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Let’s learn the lessons that we keep having taught to us.  Can we not stand for something once again?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ethanol Algae and Emerging Energy Markets

 Renewable energy is a hot topic in today’s political climate.  Traditional options of energy remain with oil, natural gas, wind, water, solar, nuclear and coal.  New and emerging markets include corn and now algae which become the focus of this article.   All Americans claim to want more energy independence from foreign oil and other sources.  The notion is popular, and seems to ring in the best interest of the American family and by extension - the voter.  The problem remains in how we go about doing that.  This has been the cause of severe political division and turmoil especially in the United States of America.  

We in the United States are sitting on a wealth of energy resources.  In offering one small note regarding oil, we’ve known for decades the incredible reserves we have under our feet.  I remember being told back in the 70s by Michigan oil workers how there is enough oil there to supply the world for well over a hundred years.  I’ve heard the same from workers in the Utah desert, only their projections were up to five hundred years.  However, due to smoke room politics and the intricate web of global marketing many of our most profitable wells have been capped.  We now only need to look at the benefits reaped in North Dakota with their current oil boom to realize what can be had elsewhere.  Yet, now that demand grows amid rising oil prices new domestic oil has been tapped around the country at moderate rates.  Oil will still be a major energy factor for the foreseeable future.  However, there are other energy sources yet to be tapped.  

In the Midwest we have a tremendous resource of renewable energy in the form of corn.  Forget the scare tactics from the “food vs. fuel” media campaign because it simply isn’t true.  Corn used for fuel and corn used for human consumption are two totally different products.  The link provided here details this in clear terms.  Corn starch sugars are the primary substance from which ethanol is produced.  The production of ethanol has been around since the manifestation of the combustible engine and even predates conventional gasoline.  However, oil was cheap and easy to manufacture and use.  Thus the dawning of the age of oil based energy.  Ethanol plants have almost no waste.  By-products that would have been considered waste ten or thirty years ago is now recycled into a valuable commodity for other markets.  Here are two co-products produced in massive quantities from ethanol plants now considered valuable:

  • Feedlots benefit greatly from ethanol plants producing DDGS which is used for livestock feed.  DDG is the spent grain co-product of the ethanol production process.  DDG (Dried Distillers Grain) is a valuable and economically friendly feed product for livestock and is marketed as dry, modified wet or wet distillers grain.  In progressive grade the wet having a life of three days in comparison to the dry which can have an indefinite shelf life.  Dairy, beef and swine markets near and far know the value of this product that is high in energy and high in protein.  DDG co-product is also used as a fuel, weed inhibitor and even as fertilizer.  

  • An emerging market is the bioprocess algae renewable resource.  In Shenandoah, Iowa, BioProcess Algae has expanded operations on five acres of Green Plains Renewable Energy where an ethanol plant is located.  When completed, the carbon dioxide produced from the ethanol production facility will be directly piped to the algae facilities Grower Harvester ™ bioreactors.  This carbon dioxide will instigate the production of high-quality algal biomass used for a spectrum ranging from transportation fuel to pharmaceutical applications.  This is another testament of how one industry can complement and facilitate the needs and demands of another.

This BioProcess Algae operation in Shenandoah is unique in the algal ingredients market.  Traditional production of algae consists of a heterotrophic process through fermentation in large containers.  BioProcess Algae in pilot Shenandoah will grow algae through photosynthesis using the sunlight along with the abundant resource of heat and carbon dioxide from the ethanol plant.  This algae operation is now at commercial stage development.  With a minimum of 10,000 strains of algae only about 10 are commercially grown.  This facility will be able to manipulate conditions to produce virtually any kind of strain needed for any application.  It will be done safely and in a controlled environment.  For instance, Omega 3 can be safely harvested from algae in greater quantities than from fish oils derived from stock that may be contaminated with mercury or other impure substances.  In these terms it is necessary and vital that the algae industry take on a clean, efficient and an economically viable role to assure a satisfied market.  

The liability of carbon dioxide is controversial.  Many claim it to be directly related to climate change due to industry emissions.  It has triggered legislations coining the term carbon footprint.  Whether you subscribe to the claims or not, it is indisputable that the cost of sequestering carbon dioxide is immense.  In this pilot operation in Shenandoah and other locations to suit the carbon footprint for that ethanol plant will be greatly reduced.  Instead of ridding carbon dioxide, it is now proven that certain waste and by-products can be channeled and used for beneficial and profitable purposes.  Follow this link to an interview with BioProcess Algae Senior Scientist Toby Ahrens as he speaks of the nature of algae and the operations emerging to succor the market demand.  

New and emerging markets rarely get the credit that is due.  According to Iowa State University’s Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD) ethanol has benefited the gasoline consumer by over $1 per gallon.  Concerning algae, farm algae production conserves energy, uses less water, fuel and fertilizer than other forms of algae growth.  There are many credits to be made that are often shadowed by big money in existing markets, media and governments.

"Absolute Bio Ethanol Outdoor Fireburner in Black" (Google Affiliate Ad)

A new era of manufacturing is giving way to new industries and technologies.  Applications now termed “green” may soon become the standard.  Isn’t this an exciting time when basic industry manufacturing is making the investment into research, and are now coming up with innovative ways to reduce emissions and health risks?  There is renewed vigor and assurance of investment when that research provides the potential of increased profit margins for their companies.  Through responsible harvesting of natural resources and protecting the health and quality of the environment we’ll realize that we can still continue to expand into profitable markets around the world.

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Would You Like to Google Hangout with Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?

Google Plus Hangouts have become a huge surge in video communications.  It is cheap, efficient and convenient.  No longer is dialogue and debate reserved for the elite on camera.  Right now, election 2012  is going on and we have President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney to choose from.  That's the reality of what we face.  We also have Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan battling it out. With the use of Google Plus Hangouts we have a new venue to bring the common American and the candidates together right in the comfort of the American home.
View Congressman Paul Ryan on a Google Plus Hangout!
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This makes debate interactivity possible even on the go.  This can take place on Ipods, laptops and even cell phones.  This can be on the go for the common American or even the candidates themselves.  Wouldn't that be something to be asking a question to a presidential candidate while on the bus to school?  The potential of the convenience of technology is still in it's infancy.  We've barely begun to maximize its full benefit to the individual.
Samsung i5500 Galaxy 5 Cell Phone with TouchWiz v3.0 (Google Affiliate Ad)
With this ease of video communications comes the growing use of this application in meetings normally held on location.  Now, even if you are stuck in traffic and late for the meeting you can still attend through your Ipod or even Galaxy phone.  In fact, video conferencing or chatting is becoming more preferred among employers for those initial interviews.  This makes the time of the employer and the potential employee more valuable.
Who's Face Do You Want Here?
Less and less time is spent watching the time tested networks on television.  Even cable numbers have seen their strain.  More people are getting their news, information and even their work from off the Internet.  In order to appease the growing number of voters election candidates need to address them on their own turf - the Internet.

It really doesn't matter what level of government you may be running for.  It is clear that these avenues in technology need to be used and will increasingly become a vital part to effective campaigning.  

Friday, September 7, 2012

The DNC Platform Upset Over God and Jerusalem as Democrats Become Divided Over Obama

God and Jerusalem and the DNC (Democratic National Convention) seemed to be at odds when the vote to amend an amended party platform was presented before the delegates.  References to God and also Jerusalem being the capital of Israel was in jeopardy.  These references were previously omitted to aim the party focus solely on President Barack Obama, and to succor a minority already "offended" by the use of religious notion. Atheists, Christians, the faithful and those of no faith all had their say, yet as usual the Democratic Party failed in their goal to appease everyone, primarily the minority segments, into a body of unity and progress.  In a stunning upset the ayes have it, thus executing the amending of the already amended Democratic Party platform to include the references of God and Jerusalem.  Has the Democratic Party taken a detrimental turn messing around with the party platform text?  At convention time when a party is to show the world their intentions, be it good or not, did the rank and file of the Democratic Party not exemplify division and breaking of fundamental ties with the American people? Since when did God become the bad guy? He's not running for President of the United States, so there's really no competition there. God has already earned his place as Lord of all and, gee, we only owe Him every fiber of our being and spirit.
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Interviews given regarding the platform issue revealed nothing.  All answers seemed scripted, and bore out how the wording was meant to keep the focus on President Barack Obama and his record.  The Focus?  In doing so they’ve abandoned the foundations of not only a basic tenant of foreign policy (Israel), but more important the concrete foundation of an America built upon God.  To me even the scripted answer shouted blasphemy.  They could have included both principles into the platform.  “Barack Obama is mortally omnipotent, with an outstanding policy record, who acknowledges that Higher Power whom he is accountable to.”  That statement alone would have been sufficient to lift Obama to a status of a savior while not disenfranchising the majority of the American people.  That alone would've kept them afloat and even made their Democratic forefathers proud.  

That wasn’t the statement though.  Instead, the President is the savior of the nation without accountability to anything Higher.  The Democratic Party leaders earlier omitted those references to God and Jerusalem.  It is good to see that some (barely a majority) chose to include such references back into the platform at the vote.  This vote was presented to the delegates by Los Angeles Mayor and Democratic Convention Chairman Antonio Villaraigosa.
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Let me make the whole “god” debate simple.  It’s not that difficult.  We are a Judeo-Christian nation and unfortunately that fact is downplayed and disputed in the modern era.  I don’t care what god you believe in.  It can be a god with a corporeal body like ours.  It can be a god of spirit only.  It can be a blue god.  It can be the flower in your lawn.  If you wish it can even be the dumpster down the street.  The point is that everyone should acknowledge someone or something whom their actions and thoughts are accountable to.  It’s a matter of personal and public humility.  The people need that assurance that their government leaders are not bound by a code or agenda which starts and stops with themselves.  They need to know that the leaders, as well as themselves, are still subject to something greater and much more pure than we.
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I believe in the right to religious freedom and practice.  The First Amendment is first for a reason.  It is the bedrock of this great nation.  It is the cornerstone that makes everything else level and sure.  We are quickly abandoning God for something that is viewed as greater - ourselves.  This is a pivotal downturn of any nation built on God.  May the future of this nation be secured and may the American people clasp arms once again with their great forefathers who knew and understood what America truly is.

The First Amendment is the keystone to individual happiness in America. In a troubled world it is imperative that we keep God as the centerpiece of our home in order to realize peace in our time. It is our duty and responsibility as Americans and citizens of the United States to vanquish tyrant groups and individuals who threaten the very focus of our home. Had the Democratic Party kept the omissions in place I would advocate a mass exodus from that party without hesitation. Why? Because when you start down the godless road of limited accountability, the journey becomes easier and clearer even unto a totalitarian or even communistic household or national government. When that happens the people soon follow. When the people follow the entire house crumbles over a completely false foundation of sand. The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States is to be cherished and protected - worthy even, of our very own lives.