The attacks on United States Embassies in Libya, Egypt, Yemen and other countries must be met with resolve by the administration. Al Qaeda is reported as being the mastermind behind the wave of terrorist attacks on our Embassies, Consulates and diplomats. In conjunction with 9/11 these attacks were coordinated, planned and executed with malicious intent. So far, the reaction by the Administration has been appalling. There was a time when the United States was viewed with backbone and firm principles. The statements, coming from the Administration, have been just short of apologetic of the United States’ right to free speech as outlined in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.
President Barack Obama and members of his Administration have moved their lips only so far. Their words, on the surface, were strong and would pose fear in any fourth grader. Their words lacked true substance worthy of an American statesman. Have we lost what America is supposed to be in the world? To be the United States IS TO BE something more than the common country. It is to be the beacon of a true nation under God. That doesn’t mean we are to be extremists, as is the skewed view today. Instead, it means we are to exhibit and internalize the morals, precepts and principles of God. It’s not rocket science. We are to utilize in our government what we have been given - inspired discernment through liberty between what’s right and what’s wrong. We’ve lost this in our beloved nation and it begins at the top.
Where is our resolve? We’ve just had a U.S. ambassador, Ambassador Chris Stevens, and three Consulates MURDERED on our very soil! Yes, OUR soil! On top of that Ambassador Chris Stevens was sodomized prior to his murder!! Inconceivable! An Embassy is the sovereign property of the nation whose Embassy that is. Have we not learned a damn thing from September 11, 2001? We could’ve made a stance to last all time in the face of the world, of our resolve had we employed exactly what Governor Mitt Romney stated should happen when he spoke on September 12, 2012. We should have a majority confidence in our cause even if it requires military action. I feel that the military struggle over the past decade could have been marked in half had we had resolve in our might.
I abhor death, destruction and the horrors of war. I do, however, use a sound mind when I say that military action is necessary at times. I do, however, use a sound mind when I say that the United States’ obligation to the world is to have a strong and powerful military, skilled and ready at a moment’s notice to not only protect our interests but also to protect the interests of those being oppressed or threatened. Now, more than ever we need this might to stand resolute in protection of human liberty. Why do I make that statement? We live in a time when enemies wear no standard uniform. The enemies of today are trained and bred to blend in and work in secret combinations of men and women. Their objective is to obliterate the United States WITH particular interest in targeting innocent citizens. War is a last resort but one that must be kept on the table.
I call for a return to standing for something. I believe that many of our societal problems stem from our decline of standing for something. Our nation thrived when we have patriotism and confidence in our hearts. We thrived when we were encouraged to prosper by the sweat of our own brow. Education was top notch. Economy was relatively stable and we led the world in technology and private enterprise. It has only been since we’ve started letting our guard down and commenced making a career of spiritual compromising that we’ve lost sight of what’s important to maintain a healthy nation - the United States. Since when did it become so bad to discipline a child with a spanking? It used to be a norm and millions of youth remembered those lessons. Since when did it become offensive to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and to expect your nation’s young to do the same first thing at school? Since when has it become the American way to be “entitled” to programs and claim it our “right” to have these handouts? It is disgusting and demeans the spirit of liberty and the expansion of prosperity and the American dream.
Going back to the responding to the blatant attacks on our Embassies it must be met with a resolve of spirit from our nation’s leaders. The United States is supporting the financial institution of many foreign governments including $4 billion dollars approved again for Libya. There comes a point when we half to stand for something. There must be a swift response, leader to leader, that we are coming in to remedy the problem if it’s not addressed immediately inhouse. Our citizen representatives are being MURDERED! Still, we recoil not in strike resolve but instead in cower and defeat. Why - because we don’t want to “offend” anyone. We have the technology, courage and military might to meet these challenges with strength and “confidence in our cause.” If we can’t save face before the world then straightway close our threatened Embassies down. To not react in a final matter is to shame the name of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, former navy SEAL and security detail Glen Doherty, foreign information officer Sean Smith and another former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods all meeting their fate at the consulate complex in Benghazi, Libya.
Let’s be clear! The intent of these attacks were masked under a film produced in America called “Innocence of Muslims.” This served as a perfect reason to perpetuate a pre-planned attack on American interests abroad commemorating the horrific events of 9/11. After watching several minutes of the film I must agree that it is a gross violation of respecting the religious beliefs of others. However, being an American the producer Sam Bacile does have the right to free speech under the First Amendment. Though that privilege doesn’t absolve him of the responsibility for his actions. Nonetheless, the extremists are used to inflammatory films and works focusing on Muhammad and their religious beliefs. They know that free speech is part of the American experience. This one film was used to spark a long-planned 9/11 response by those set on the destruction of the United States of America.
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Let’s learn the lessons that we keep having taught to us. Can we not stand for something once again?
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Benghazi consulate in Libya attacked as result of 9/11 response |
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Cairo protest. Courtesy Associated Press |
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Protesters outside Cairo consulate day after Benghazi attack |
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Al Qaeda flag now flies over U.S. Embassy in Tunisia |
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U.S. Consulate in Yemen plundered. Courtesy Associated Press |
Let’s be clear! The intent of these attacks were masked under a film produced in America called “Innocence of Muslims.” This served as a perfect reason to perpetuate a pre-planned attack on American interests abroad commemorating the horrific events of 9/11. After watching several minutes of the film I must agree that it is a gross violation of respecting the religious beliefs of others. However, being an American the producer Sam Bacile does have the right to free speech under the First Amendment. Though that privilege doesn’t absolve him of the responsibility for his actions. Nonetheless, the extremists are used to inflammatory films and works focusing on Muhammad and their religious beliefs. They know that free speech is part of the American experience. This one film was used to spark a long-planned 9/11 response by those set on the destruction of the United States of America.
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Let’s learn the lessons that we keep having taught to us. Can we not stand for something once again?
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