Friday, March 29, 2013

Jim Carrey "Cold Dead Hands" and Pro Second Amendment America

Jim Carrey is a great actor aimed at comedic genre and exaggerated movement.  He has gained a loyal following from the silver screen especially since Mask, Dumb and Dumber and the Ace Ventura duo.  Jim Carrey is uniquely qualified to exhibit in comedy fashion the frustrated simple things in life that we all encounter.  Whether it be scoring a date with the opposite sex, dealing with a dead end job with a butt head for a boss or carrying a self-bloated ego, Jim Carrey successfully exaggerated the situation in a humorous fashion on the movie screen.

However, as with many actors, Jim Carrey in recent years has become over-confident in his standing in the movie industry and has ventured into dangerous realms of political and social issues.  This is especially risky for such a popular actor.  His indulgence into arenas of controversy have poised him in a position of one stretching for more diverse attention that he is neither ready or qualified to handle.  The manner in which he exhibits his talented comedy has also changed.  Once very light-hearted, these days his antics seem strained and borderlines mental instability.


Jim Carrey had his beginnings with rags to riches.  Literally, Carrey started out living out of his automobile before being catapulted into stardom.  He seemed to have managed his mental affairs with class for many years until now.  Without proper check on his talents and place in the movie industry his recent tendencies to test the waters may reign him back to the luxury accommodations of his car.

Jim Carrey has placed himself center stage over the gun control debate of late.  The frenzy in early 2013 of gun control is tied to the excuse of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting tragedy.  Now we've got Barack Obama, President of the United States, pridefully signing legislation of gun control for votes and polling numbers while exploiting mothers standing behind him.  We've got members of the House of Representatives and the Senate actively denying the worth of the Constitution and trivializing the Second Amendment.  We've got constant liberal attacks on the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States under which we are provided the banner of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Jim Carrey has hopped on board this debate and performed an offensive parody "Cold Dead Hands" against pro-gun Right to Bear Arms Americans and even the deceased Charlton Heston.  Through the flicker of his Hollywood eyes Mr. Carrey disenfranchised millions of Americans, especially simple Midwest Americans and all Americans who reverence the right to protect themselves from tyrants (such as we have now in high places) and those seeking to confiscate their property.  Yet, on the flip side, he does accurately depict the mindset of those pressing for stricter gun control and their sentiments toward pro Second Amendment Americans.

Instead of enforcing current laws, this nation has become passive and apathetic of placing new "band-aid" laws to cure problems that could be quenched by just carrying out the original laws we have.  What Mr. Jim Carrey and most of our legislative branch have become blind to is the fact that a gun did not kill those children by itself.  Someone pulled the trigger!  A young man who was deeply troubled lost all sense of direction and killed those children at Sandy Hook.  The gun is not the problem.  The rapidly degrading mental stability of our young and old is the problem.

Here's a goofy idea: Why not reinvest in mental wellness?  The federal government and most the states have dramatically scaled back funding for these programs over the past few decades.  To cover up that devastating mistake we are now compromising the Constitution and blaming an object with no animation of its own for the deaths of countless throughout the United States.  Bull taco!!!!  Cure the home and you cure the major problems we have in the world.  That's where the problems is.  Yet, that's NOT where the liberal mind wants to look...

The family is the basic unit of society.  It's also the primary focus of God's design.  If the family is at the heart and foundation of a healthy nation then why are we not addressing the home and the mental, emotional and temporal welfare therein?

1 comment:

  1. "I'm not an expert on politics or the Constitution, but I play one on TV." If I was a celebrity and had the pull on public opinion these actors do, I'd educate myself before opening my mouth, or I'd just keep it shut. Jim Carrey's opinion is not worth any more than any other uneducated slob on the street, and it shows in his words.
