Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New Stop Signs in Shenandoah Iowa

This post is concerning my views on the new stop signs erected throughout the city afforded on behalf of the school district. There are many grumblings of the inconvenience surrounding this action. Claims are made that it even presents danger instead of preventing accidents. On the other side, voice is heard that it makes for a welcome addition to the overall safety and awareness of not only the students but also pedestrians in general.

This post will be short, sweet and to the point. It is true, and I do admit, that it was an incovenience to me to remember to stop at these signs. Especially meeting Nishna off of Center and also eastbound on Nishna. The many years of common driving has dulled the need to be watchful of signs and warnings. In fact i've noticed that more people watch for vacinity police than they do proper heeding to the signs at hand.

We are not only Americans, residents of Iowa and contributors to the community of Shenandoah we are coexisting human beings. Being such we are the most adaptable yet most complacent life forms on earth. Part of our growth physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and academically is the willingness to learn and adapt. When the economy is in dark times we eventually learn to cut down on our expenses and resort to food storage techniques and more disciplined spending. When storms come, many of us tend to come out of our shells to help clean up a neighbor's property. The learning process, especially when it involves inconvenience, should be a joy and a challenge to anyone who wants to grow and further develop.

In my own experience over the past few weeks of the new stop signs i've entered a change. Being compelled to slow down has offered less tension while driving. In fact the slower pace has offered a more enjoyable ride. I now welcome these new signs to the city of Shenandoah. Yes, for the benefit of all pedestrians but mostly for the compelling need to change from within.

As an added note, the Shenandoah Police Department has been very lenient and understanding during this time of transition. They do continue to ask that all drivers exercise increased caution and awareness of all city signs.    

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