Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Understanding the Difference Between Things Wanted and Things Needed

It is a fine line distinguishing between things you want and things you need.  Often we mesh together the two and fear they are one the same.  This fear inhibits change and perpetuates dependency and apathy.  The key in knowing your wants verses needs is discipline.  Discipline is part of why we are here.  Discipline is that part of our being that allows us to grow.  Discipline enables one to incrementally understand what true liberty is.  Liberty is exercising your agency to choose, and fully reap the benefits and consequences of those choices.  As you compromise your discipline, you shrink your liberty, and the very view of life becomes skewed as to what's truly important and what is not.

Beware of the shiny things in this world.  Check out YouTube for those Walmart videos.  It's a literal mass hysteria and chaos of species during holidays and blowout specials.  Sometimes it's a blood bath.  Beware of Ipods, Galaxy phones, Kindles and the like, Ipads, anything Bluetooth, laptops, cars and even Facebook.  None of what's listed is an absolute necessity to sustain life or foster happiness, yet we've come to a point where people are on the precipice of killing for it.

In a fast paced world we've become blinded by the "latest and greatest" thing to hit the shelves.  Fifteen years ago teenagers and adults alike saw little use in constant companionship of cell phones.  Heck, the term Internet was barely circulating and texting wasn't even a term.  Now, it has become an obsession and people now view it as an absolute necessity.  Interestingly, mankind has survived thousands of years without cell phones, Internet and computers but now our bowels loose at the thought of being without them.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effecti (Google Affiliate Ad)
The lack of discipline breaks down the most important unit of society - the family.  On more than one occasion I've seen teenagers get down right violent with parents because discipline was instituted and the phone withheld.  All respect for the parents dissipates because that youth became so dependent on the cell phone and the ability to text. They thus failed to distinguish between the privilege of the electronic gadget and a "right" to have.  The family needs to shore up it's defenses, unplug and have a conversation.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effecti (Google Affiliate Ad)
Your perceived "need" is being inflated by money.  All these tangible items are brought to you, presented to you and intended to be used by you by the almighty currency of choice.  What level of weakness does that state about us as the human species?  We are stronger than this!  Most all of us are guilty of this including me, obviously.  I strip not the technical marvels, but I do condemn mankind for not striving to acclimate and strengthen their discipline relative to the changing times.

As an appendage to that thought on money mankind is quickly losing the will and drive to work for their happiness.  What do we purchase with money that we anticipate will bring us happiness?  Virtually everything, right, from food to clothing to electronics?  With our level of mass production we've filled our measure of society with "stuff" and it can all be purchased with money.  With this ease of acquisition and government welfare programs the human technique of laboring with effort for your needs and wants is all but extinguished.  The "sweat of the brow" is no longer seen as the key to happiness.

The point of all this is to help you refocus and reestablish what is a need and what is a want.  Most of all, realizing in which direction happiness truly lies.  There is a reason hundreds of thousands choose to acquire as much education as possible.  The go through the toil and frustrations because they have a grain of faith that it will pay off in the end not only in income but also in happiness.  There is a reason why vast numbers still attend church on a weekly basis and even wear their Sunday best.  It's because they have a grain of faith that adherence to a set of standards will benefit themselves and their families.  They also know the benefit of sacrifice offered on a regular basis.  At the same time there is a reason why so many pursue a form of happiness in diverse avenues of life be it texting, sports, work or even not going to church.  Just ask yourself if you are truly fulfilled with your level of effort into your varied aspects of life?  Are you one to drive forward or be run over?

We do live in a marvelous time!  The curtains of knowledge are rolling back and we are learning and understanding all things at an unprecedented pace.  Yet, to maximize our worthiness of this gift we need to establish personal parameters to ensure continued discipline.  This will ensure our growth relative to the times.  To parents this means tough love for their children.  Monitor and restrict access if need be to these modern privileges.  To children this means less chatting and more outdoor play.  It means leave your Ipods and cell phones at home while in the church or public school room.  It means common respect for our fellow man whether it be a teacher or someone we are passing on the highway.

Learn to govern yourself.  Only by governing your passions and desires can you truly discern your own personal wants and needs.
Short URL http://tinyurl.com/discipline-wants-needs

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