Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Syria Libya Egypt Supporters and Rebels Murder Under Banner of US Administration

Getting right to the point we are at the point where clear decisions need to be made regarding the government of the United States.  It is clear as never before that the American people, way of life and the fabric of the Constitution of the United States has been betrayed by the hidden agendas of a conglomerate of players in Washington D.C. and throughout the nation and world.  When we come to a point where we witness absolute disgusting and revolting demonstrations of beheadings and point blank shootings on our viewer by those who are financed and armed by the very government that claim global superior morality, it is time to appoint new protectors, guards and sentinels for our liberty.
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Let's put this in as clear terms as we can.  My fellow Americans, when you labor for meager living in your factories affording Uncle Sam his excess share you are financing a tapestry of horror.  When you work for an overbearing condescending boss just to scrape a living, yet surely paying taxes, you are advocating our government stripping faith from our rooms of learning yet establishing a state religion built on bloodshed and murder.  When you sweat laying concrete highways in 100 + degree weather just to make ends meet while being mandated to pay your taxes, you are enabling the powers that be to arm and finance those who have no regard for basic life - even to the beheading with a dull kitchen knife.

What say you America!  You were reserved to come forth and be born on this land in this country for a reason.  You are inheritors and benefactors of those who've sacrificed so much to preserve the liberty you enjoy.  Your destiny in the eyes of God are absolute.  Choose good over evil and ye shall prosper.  Compromise your values little by little and you'll lose everything - even unto your very soul.  That's what is at stake for Americans.  We really do have a moral responsibility and obligation to the world.  Believe it or not many nations look toward us for this leadership.  Currently, they thirst for it because it cannot be found even in American representation.  

When we have a White House spokesman that just shakes his head on television for public sentiment at continued questions over Benghazi just a few months after the murder of four Americans in Libya then it's time to clean house.  When we have a State Department Secretary conveniently step down just when her answers to questions were most needed then it's time to break out the 409 in Washington.  When the bloated IRS is proven to withhold liberties on certain individuals and groups in America then it's time to get out the brillo pads.  When demographics in the inner metropolitan cities dictate national elections over the rest of the more sane nation it is time consult Mr. Clean.  When our military chaplains are mandated to no longer display the Holy Bible for political correctness then it's time for a little surgery on a big cancer.  There is a crystal clear pattern of disassociation from all accountability by our Administration.

I am not a conspiracy theorist.  I believe that many who subscribe to conspiracies endanger their field of view of simpler explanations.  However, I do know right and wrong.  I do know when an individual, group or country is under the influence of an adverse power and influence bent on the destruction of the basic unit of family and individual choice and accountability.  Yes, even bent on the destruction of an individual's ability to prosper and pursue happiness.
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We've seen beheading videos before and unfortunately we've become all but desensitized to them.  The murderer parades the head then places it on the street.  The common chant in the Arab tongue is "Allah is great!"  Can you tell me in all honesty how these types of groups and mindsets can be reasoned with?  How can diplomacy thrive with those who view life as being only for the fittest?  It is our duty as American citizens to reject the support of countries who demonstrate inhumane actions.  I don't give a rats #$^%$% if they are a different people with a different culture and that we should strive to "understand" them.  We are Americans who are supposed to be standing for truth and right.

This is not the America established by our Founding Fathers.  Our government was to have been forged out of the refining fires of past tyranny and unrest.  Our Fathers designed this country under the inspiration of the Father of all heaven to be governed of, by and for the people.  Many cultures throughout history enjoyed a 200-400 year cycle.  You will notice a rise in prosperity brought on by hard work and industry coupled with strong families and traditional values recognizing God in all things.  During that prosperity you see a segment of apathy and entitlement where hard work is shunned, and gain at the expense of the neighbor is the means of happiness.  Then comes the sharp decline of all morality and especially liberty.  Before you know it either the people all end in bloodshed or totalitarianism and communism fills the vacuum of power.

I pray for the spirit of America.  I pray for the foundation of America that it may be resolute and true.  I pray that it be not made a wolf in sheep's clothing.  I pray that this people will steer their thoughts away from what they think they are entitled to and start thinking about what they need to do to secure a nurturing home and family full of faith, love and liberty.  I pray that unwavering dignity and integrity be restored to the White House and the halls of Congress.  May they come to reflect the true interest of the American heart.

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