Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Peculiar Views on God, Man, Faith and the End of Liberty

It's no secret that we live in precarious times.  Arguably, it seems an all out assault on religion and all faith in general has been culminating into a new stable trend.  No longer do we associate terrorist violence with certain extremism of one particular faith.  Instead, behind the silver tongues of the media and government officials, religion and faith altogether is now seen and taught to be dangerous.  I am a Mormon, more correctly a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I feel it necessary amid the curiosity and stereotyping to extend my own personal views on God, man, faith and the end of the world.  In my own words I will touch on the basic questions of mortality that few have the courage to voice in private let alone in public forums.  At the end I will round off my thoughts with my own views of where we are heading as a people.

  • Where did I come from?
  • Why am I here?
  • Where am I going?
Religion and faith is what our forefathers, our ancestry and blood, used as a foundation of character and family.  Though religions numbered just as many in there time as there are today, for many it was an establishment of self that was taught to them by their mothers and fathers.  This life passage of act would harness a set of principles and morals that would be the groundwork of a healthy home and future.  Establishing principles and morals is vital in this world spiraling out of control.  According to scripture, Acts 3:21 speaks of a restitution which in translation means a restoration of all things.  It is my hope that somewhere in the world someone's soul may be quieted long enough for them to hear the voice of restoration.  Not by my voice but by the voice which already sounds in the quiet reserves of the heart.  This restoration of knowledge, by design, comes at a time of dire need.  This knowledge comes, again by design, to help re-anchor the soul to morals and principles that will enable it to fully grasp the eternal concept of true liberty.  It will also enable, if received by the person, the inseparable body and spirit to endure the presence of God.

Where did I come from?
Everybody wonders and the subject is among the least understood.  What does your body mean to you?  Though vast numbers of us find our bodies in unsatisfactory states it is important to understand that it's still a gift.  We did not derive from apes.  We have an inborn mystery that our potential has no end.  We feel that we've been given dominions over certain things that we may prove ourselves for higher blessings and prosperity.  Modern thought argues that we are destroying the world.  If we have such power then logic would dictate that we have the power uplift the world and propel our civilization to heights unknown.  Our body is provided to fill the full measure of our spirit.

This gift is granted because of what we did prior to our mortal birth.

We came from the presence of the Father and all the hosts of heaven including our neighbors, friends and family.  There came a time when our eternal progression hung in the balance according to our choice of liberty and the agency to choose right and wrong or captivity through a predetermined life.  All of us with bodies of flesh and bone chose correctly in the preexistence, or pre-earth life, to side under the banner of the Christ and against Lucifer and the hosts he lured away.  They shall never be granted bodies or the prospect of eternal progression through immortality and eternal life.  We have!  That knowledge alone should give all of us pause in reflection into all our actions and thoughts.  Overwhelmingly, I know I am not perfect and have a lot of work to do.  Yet, this testament remains as my foundation.  It gives me hope that the end result may be achieved.

Why am I here?
Again use the aforementioned choices we all made prior to our mortal journey and the gift given us.  Our job now is to continue making those correct decisions.  Decisions that compliment only to further our spiritual and temporal progress and that of our family.  Consider it a "parting gift" from Jesus Christ when we left his presence.  We are all born with the Light of Christ.  That is the basic inborn knowledge of right and wrong that all humans are born with.  It is that carpet into life that all humans are provided to walk.

We are here to develop a relationship with God.  Scripture does state to fear God (Ecclesiastes 8:12 and even Exodus 20:20) yet little is taught in churches how to trust God and get to know him as the desired relationship between a father and a son.  In fact, such action is considered blasphemy and shunned in most religions.  Now, reflect and ask yourself why that is.....  How can we expect to live with and feel at home with God if we haven't put in the lifelong journey to get to know him?

Where am I going?
Well, where do you want to go?  Life is eternal.  Being such there is no end to learning or expansion of knowledge.  In order to be judged fairly in the justice of God we all must have that common knowledge by which to justify our mortal actions and thoughts.  We all make various mistakes here and we all don't have common eternal knowledge.  Imagine the billions who have died without hearing the name of Jesus Christ.  It is inconceivable to me how any faith can claim these to be utterly lost and without hope simply because they lacked the knowledge.  Now, where is the mercy of God in that?  He wants us all to return to Him - not just the select few.  Logic dictates and "restitution" has revealed that learning continues beyond the grave.  We progress, precept upon precept, until the time we are thus resurrected according to our judged time.  Many will reject the further light of knowledge and learning, and thus they shall be judged accordingly and their kingdoms also agreeably assigned to.

Keep in mind that we die with that same spirit we've grown and nurtured here.  If we lived a life of procrastination how can we expect our willingness to learn improve after we die.  That is why it is so important to take advantage of right now while you live.  Live in constant search of self and God.  That discipline of spirit will engage us to thirst for learning throughout eternity.
*What Mormons Believe
I am forever grateful for that restitution or Restoration of knowledge.  As most know, Mormons are lead by a prophet that members sustain is led under the direction of Jesus Christ who has all power and authority to lead the children of men.  Most faiths have used scripture against us citing the rise of false prophets (Matthew 24:24, Mark 13:22, Matthew 7:15, Matthew 24:11, Revelation 16:13).  In fairness I add those references.  In defense I ask what is the nature of the adversary?  Is it not to mimic or prepare the vice of that which is good?

If we are warned about false prophets then it only furthers the knowledge that a true prophet and the authority thereof must exist as well (Amos 3:7).  If the restitution or Restoration is to take place (which it has) then that revealed knowledge can only come through the order of the prophets.  I testify that Joseph Smith was, is and will always be a prophet of God.  He was prepared to come forth in a new nation built upon liberty and religious freedom so that the restitution can take place.  I have personally prayed about the Restoration and the validity of Joseph Smith and have received the answer according to the vehicle of the Holy ghost.
I believe that we are headed for even more difficult times as the moral decay of our nation and world continue.  I believe that the establishment of the United States and the fabric of liberty that our Founding Fathers were inspired to bestow upon the people, was to prepare the people to embrace liberty and remember it's sweet taste when it is gone or threatened.  I believe that all of us living in this time have been reserved to come forth and live in this time.  We are uniquely armed to battle against tyranny and the vice of the adversary.

We must fight the fight!  The restitution of all things has revealed knowledge hid since ancient times that affect not only our salvation but also possibilities.  Because of the Restoration we know, from our finite scope, the measure that each of us can become a joint-heir with Jesus Christ in the eternal realms of heaven (Romans 8:17).  Much courage and sacrifice will be demonstrated in order to realize this fact.

Our liberties will continue to be threatened and narrowed.  The good people of the United States will continue to fall into apathy.  I am not predicting a major civil unrest in America but I am proclaiming that it will be the liberty in the hearts of man that will save it.  Religious freedom which is so vital will be on the brink of collapse.  Yet, it will be the liberty in the hearts of man that will save it.

We have the adversary fronting an all out assault on the family.  With all the issues facing the people nobody is focusing on healing the family where it all matters.  Heal the family you heal the world.  Establish morals and principles as our forefathers.  Instill them into your posterity that they may cherish also the liberty they've been given.  With that liberty they may nourish the will and spirit to always strive toward knowledge.  With that spirit, if found worthy, they will be enabled to enter into the presence of God.

May the hearts of the fathers be turned to their children and the hearts of the children turned to their fathers (Malachi 4:6).

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