Saturday, December 1, 2012

Doomsday, Mayan calendar, Fiscal Cliff and a Snickers Bar

Doomsday 2012, the Apocalypse, the Mayan calendar, December 21st and even the end of the world are on the minds of many as there are those who think this may take place in the month of December of 2012.  Let’s go further and then I will tell you the solution to all the problems and impending calamities of our time.  Tax hikes, abortion, gay rights, gay marriage vs. traditional marriage, health care,  entitlements, nuclear war, Iran, North Korea, Israel and the newly approved Palestinian state, education reform, school lunches, global warming, energy crisis, personal debt and the rise in heart disease are all concerns that the world inflicts itself with.  It is easy in this day and age to feel isolated as the world collapses around you.  Yet, with all the complexities of mortality why should the solutions be equally complex?  Is it possible to find happiness in the solutions before us?

I’ve discovered the source solution to the world’s problems.  It doesn’t stem from Congress nor does it derive from the beloved halls of the United Nations.  It’s not uttered from the “divine” lips of Sandra Fluke or revealed in plot in the Twilight series.  It’s not shown on your credit card bill nor on your meager pay stub.  It’s mystery is not seen to the naked eye on a ballot’s hanging chad nor in the campaign promises of any governmental position.  I found the answer to life’s turmoils in none other than a Snickers bar.  Yes, a Snickers bar!  Though I’m not privy to it an almond Snickers it came out to be.  What?  What blasphemy is this man speaking of?  I’ll tell you...

My son has a weekly paper route.  Not big, only about 75 homes or so.  I assist him in this route primarily during the school season so that he may tend to his school assignments earlier.  I thank the lucky stars above that there are no vicious dogs on this route.  At least none that are outside when I’m there.  The route starts at the same time each week.  I do my part from 2:20 to 3:00 and my son does the rest after I pick him up from school at 3:05.  It’s nothing major but allows for some exercise and a little money for my son.

Monday, the 19th of November was a particularly pleasant day to walk the papers.  The sun was out and it wasn’t cold enough to chill your innards into panic or complacency.  Toward the end of my part of the route a lady came out of her home after I delivered to her doorstep.  She mentioned that she had missed reaching me over the past couple weeks but that she wanted to thank me for the service.  She enjoyed that her paper was delivered consistently and at the same time each week.  She then handed me an almond Snickers in appreciation.  It was simple and from the heart.

What does this have to do with all the problems mentioned above?  Everything!  It’s called goodwill.  It’s called going out of your way to uplift the next person.  It’s called selfless service.  I had left her doorstep in a better mood and better outlook than when I arrived.  That’s what it’s all about!  Goodwill and positive reinforcement doesn’t have to be complex.  It was never meant to be complex - but liberating.  Kindness, though seen as cheesy by many nowadays, can liberate you from life’s obstacles.

Here is the secret to happiness:  If we are unhappy with the our own life then we simply are not reaching out enough to make happy the lives of those around us.

With this small effort we could cleanse Americans, the halls of Congress and the White House.  Sincere happiness infused into our environment through positive service allows correct discernment, making our decisions of elected officials true and good.  It lifts our daily burdens and relieves the yoke from our necks.  Just think, how many of our elected officials gained their votes from voters with contention in their hearts?  This is not a partisan question but a basic voter question.  How many voted because they hated the other guy or relished the promises of one over the other?  We hear of Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Constitutionalist and even Socialist but how little do we hear of American.  An American is in an active pursuit of happiness.  If this were so today it would decimate the need of all political parties.  It would create an environment of a true Republic that knows the value of work and the worth of the soul next to him.  It would create a government authentically of the people, by the people and for the people.

With kindness there would be no fiscal cliff or the threat thereof.  Sincere kindness invokes loyalty and true character.  If we were happy we would be inspired to rightly appoint officials who were responsible and loyal to our Constitution.  Not only would we hold them accountable but we’d make ourselves equally accountable for such faulty voting when things go awry.  An American is accountable and responsible for everything around him.

With kindness any outbreak of war would be swift, quick and with resolve.  Obviously, this sounds like an oxymoron putting war and kindness in the same sentence.  Let’s not kid ourselves though.  We are in a very violent and malicious world.  Wars do and will happen.  Starting the chain of kindness first within our homes and communities can change a nation.  Kindness, in turn, can change the world but not overnight.  When conflict arises and diplomacy fails an inspired leader elected by a positive people would act swiftly and decisively in the best interest of those whom he represents.  In this day and age there is absolutely no reason for long drawn out wars and engagements.

It may sound like a stretch to connect simple kindness with the solutions of our times but my challenge is to ponder over it and to prove the principle wrong.

As I look about us especially in the United States I see influential people, people in high positions of government, media and entertainment, who haven’t the first clue of what kindness is.  I see people who spread their influence upon the virus of hate.  I see members of entertainment posing as political monoliths through productions of hateful slanders and misinformation.  I see media giants so full of contention that they cannot see any validity beyond their own agenda.  These things canker that heart but what greater influence can there be than to offer your coat to a cold homeless man.  What benefit is there in helping a child shoot a basketball into a hoop?  What greater treasure is there than to help an elderly lady carry her groceries out to her car?  It’s the choice between what is right - and what is wrong.

I started this writing with the thought of doomsday or the Mayan calendar.  Is it not apparent that this is believed and propagated by unhappy people?  Know this that any “end of world” scenario will be put into motion very little by any God.  We create our own demise in this life.  If we choose to be prideful and look solely after our own interests then, yeah, life may come to a screeching halt sooner rather than later.  Yet, if we live our lives in pure selfless service to our neighbor there is no obstacle we can’t overcome, no breadth we can’t expand and no level of prosperity we can’t reach.  Our decisions affect the outcome of the next moment.  As a species our collective decisions affect the course of the world.  Yes, I am among the Christians who believe that Jesus Christ will return but I also believe that the conditions leading up to it are overwhelmingly in our control within the realms of our decision making skills.

It comes down to this.  When considering the doom of the abortion debate or the fiscal cliff or the outcome of the Presidential election what course of action will allow you to enhance better decision making.  That should be simple - service!  If you want to be happy and you want the people around you happy then expand your level and outreach of service.  If you want a strong and healthy nation raising a royal generation then take steps to be happy and become a service-oriented person.

Fret not over the negative campaigns going on.  Yes, our decisions as a people have catapulted us into a very rough road ahead.  If we ready our homes as havens and refuges from such storms we’ll be able to come out of this better on the other side.  To influence the world you must begin at the foundation of it.  Change yourself and influence your home and family.  Like a lit candle in a dark world your example with attract the gaze and prompt others to follow suit.

The challenge and moral of this writing is to increase your ability to serve others and dwell less on your own self interests.  My promise is that if you do this with a sincere heart you will find your own needs met and your happiness ensured.  It doesn't have to be a Snickers bar but let my little experience serve as an example or symbolic possibility of giving happiness to those around you.

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