Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Barack Obama & Joe Biden Wins Election 2012

History if filled with examples of societal declines.  In the United States we are on that slide.  The precious right to vote, bestowed by our Creator through our Founding Fathers, was engaged on November 6, 2012, without any intelligent reasoning on the part of the majority.  This constitutes a capstone of decline.  Yet, amidst this quagmire of insanity we must accept the outcome and inevitable truth.  We are in the pre-dawn era of Barack Obama’s second term as President of the United States.  Now that our nation will begin to feel the true tyranny of this man, the eyes are on us as individuals to get our house in order.

Mitt Romney had great support and put up a good battle.  In the end it proved not enough though it should’ve been.  He exemplified hope and a positive attitude of the future.  He had an economic plan, and no matter how loose-ended it may have been to some at least it was a plan.  Mitt Romney was clear on the strength of the nation.  Because the United States has a God-given responsibility to the world, we also must ensure liberty by the reality of our military and economic might.  He cherishes family, and extended the virtues of that institution throughout his campaign.  Romney proved pro-women since he set out to put in place a broader gender spectrum in his Massachusetts cabinet.  Romney also had no skeletons in the closet.  Now how odd is that these days in any elected official or candidate?  Mitt Romney personified a presidential attribute in the eyes of so many.  He also, with clarity, placed faith in that which makes America great - the hard work and perseverance of the average American.  Getting back to work was a hallmark of his campaign.  Mitt Romney had all the makings that America longed for, but in the end the heart and mind of the majority of voters did not listen to their reasoning.

Barack Obama had no honorable presidential characteristics throughout his campaign.  It turned nasty, deceitful and should’ve been viewed as a disgust in the eyes of any American.  Obama had no economic plan to propose to Americans.  None!  Still, he has been re-elected.  Though at the end of his first term in Office he maintained full blame of the economic calamity and recession on his predecessor - President George W. Bush.  He played on the American passivity by portraying himself as the victim of circumstance.  Obama catered to the minority groups, and fostered the virus cancer of liberal causes to spread to the hearts of Americans throughout this land.  Barack Obama lifted his name as a messiah that saved General Motors.  What you don’t hear is that union jobs were saved but salaried employees were drastically cut.  Barack Obama proved his incompetence and willful deceit throughout this Benghazi Libya coverup.  Four Americans murdered right on his television and the only person accepting responsibility is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who doesn’t give a hoot or matter anyway.  She’s just as anti-American as the rest of the Administration that claim discipleship toward Barack Obama.  There were a whole host of reasons not to vote for President Barack Obama - still, he has been re-elected.

There have always been secret designs and combinations of men whose purpose and drive is to bring down their own respective nations.  History is no different in modern times.  It’s a virus just like the destructive nature of liberalism.  It requires no thought process of reasoning, but only an obsession to make a personal difference by any means without regard to expanded consequences and loss of liberty.  Barack Obama, who the public still knows very little about, was born and bred for the status he holds today.  Not for purposes of good intention but for destruction.  It is ever apparent that his agenda is to suppress the average American, and to design plans to bring them into dependency on the government.  The fruits of his labors prove this indisputably.  Yet, the extreme liberal mind will always dispute it without the function of reasoning.  Smoke and mirror forces raised him up and opened the way to the Oval Office for him.  This fact has never been more clear.  Never in modern history has a man with such an unknown and obscure past been so able to become President of the United States.  Looking through modern history of campaigns this shouldn’t be possible.  Still, this man has been re-elected as President.

The modern architects of Obama’s re-election are the mainstream media.  They’ve gladly accepted hatred in their hearts toward conservatism and of late, Mitt Romney.  They have divided America!  Their biased support of Barack Obama has brought disgrace to journalism and marked them as deviant conspirators to sway public opinion.  Their continued initiation of Barack Obama to messiahship has festered hatred and contention in the hearts of Americans of all ages.  Obama is obviously not the answer if Black Panthers in thug military garb mans the polling booth doors.  Obama is obviously not the answer if the hearts of young groups threaten riots if Mitt Romney wins.  Obama is obviously not the answer if people like the misguided Michael Moore produce filth with retired folk in wheelchairs spouting vulgarities and threats against the physical well being of Mitt Romney.  It’s un-American and worthy of severe reprimand!

Yet, the failing public has voted.  What are we to do now?  The economy is not getting better.  There is no growth.  Businesses are busily engaging and planning placing their full-time employees on part-time status due to penalties and Obamacare.  Businesses fear to hire due to health care costs.  Businesses fear expansion and startup due to monstrous regulation and taxes.  High earners fear to expand their businesses now that they know their taxes will go up.  American pride in our example to the world has never been lower and Benghazi just exacerbates that.  Most of all, Americans have fallen into apathy and have accepted government handouts.  In turn, they’ve surrendered their prosperity in self reliance and industry to the goat of government dependence.  Here this!  The time is now to prepare your house for what’s coming.

Take this post-election day slumber as a blessing in disguise.  What else should we do with it?  We should always strive to see cheer in the world around us and to apply life’s daily lessons.  Should this not be a final motivation for people to be as the better part of the Ten Virgins who prepared for bridegroom?  Should this not provide the prodding to store up bulk food for our families for the imminent collapse of the economy which is sure to come?  Should this not render resolve in your heart to say and do that which needs to be said and done to strengthen your family relationships?  Should this not conjure a true American spirit of work that you may endure contrary to government help and interference?  Should this not humble the soul to drop the body to the knees in repentance in longing search for a God that gave us life?  Should this not strike us to seek invoking nobility within us with virtue and stalwart principles?  The answer is yes to all of these - but obviously only those who are listening will hear.

Those that hear have that jittery feeling in their hearts right now.  That uncertainty is almost a sickening feeling of freefall.  It feels as though this country has let go of the lifeline to our Constitution of the United States, and the purity of the intentions of the Declaration of Independence.  To all who feel these feelings - listen to them and act accordingly!

We can and will overcome.  So long as there are worthy and loyal Americans still dwelling in this country, we will always have the opportunity to save the established foundations of the United States.  The Constitution, though tainted and demeaned by man, shall not be utterly lost.  The question is whether the individual will be a part of that loyal constituent of the Constitution, or a part of the blinded population who will one day wake up realizing too late that their freedoms have been stripped from under them.

This 2012 Election between President Barack Obama with Joe Biden and Governor Mitt Romney with Paul Ryan should be viewed as a revelation to all Americans.  We can now know that the government cannot be counted on any longer for true and inspired guidance in social issues, economy and foreign affairs.  Once the public realizes this, they should then turn the mirror to themselves and their own lives.  Now is the time to strengthen that basic unit of society which is under attack.  Your family is the most precious possession you have.  The government cannot be trusted to change the American heart for the better.  Invoke change from within by starting with the self and the family.  Take especial courage, heal the family and let that lighted example spread to others.  I’m convinced that this is now the only way to save and restore this nation to its rightful mantle in the world.

I pray I’m wrong about President Barack Obama.  For the sake of this blessed land I truly hope so.  Yet, I’m haunted by the sickening displays of pride and condescension during the debates and the campaigns.  Yet, I’m haunted by the treasonous actions during the Benghazi Libya affair.  Yet, I’m haunted by the admitted cloud of government that Obama is wanting to expand to govern our lives.

Take this opportunity now to change your life permanently for the better.  Abhor apathy and idleness!  Make your own home an extension of the household of divinity as you envision it to be.  Take that extra uncomfortable daily step to reach out and serve your neighbor.  Manifest the perfection of miracles in your homes and communities that cheer may be brought to bear on all Americans.  Become as the ministering angels set out to guard the way of prosperity and liberty for all Americans - and beyond.

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1 comment:

  1. Consider this God's greatest gift. Someone who cares about his fellow man and social justice as Jesus would have. Have you ever read the beatitudes and considered scoring each candidate on each one of them. I find it so strange how some very far right Christians lack introspection and cannot read the Bible at face value and thank God for all that comes.
