In the cellular industry it is easy to spot many simple follies that people fail to avoid. It is the same with most any industry that you work in. Each respectively reflects a "service" to the population in whatever need they perceive. In cellular phones and connected devices the problems are centralized physically but affects most every aspect of a person's life in these modern tumultuous times.
I'll make this post short yet to the point. Just one little point but probably the most important. Your phone is your lifeline to your circle of civilization. It is your connection to contacts, photos, notes and even all those dirty little secrets you may have. Impact on business affairs may be the most devastating if vital information is lost. Protecting and backing up that information can be a God-send.... or an albatross of epic proportion if neglected.
Whether in Apple, Samsung, Motorola or other there is an option to save your information via backup to the iCloud. When activated it usually defaults to backup your information nightly. It also gives you the vital apps to choose which you want backed up. Many have an iCloud account if they possess a cellular phone. However, with the popular Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Live, Me and other public and private emails most do not use their iCloud account.
When I see an individual come into one of my U.S. Cellular stores with a broken phone the first thing I think is "I hope they are backed up to the Cloud." Yet, when a customer is asked most will say they do not know.
All of their (your) information, their life, now at the whim of "I don't know."
Do yourself a favor and back up your information. It's quite simple. It is located in most systems under Settings (that little gear icon). Usually at the top is your personal information and tether to the Cloud. In the next screen is your iCloud option in which to switch on or off your backup option. It is also where you choose what apps to back up. If I've really made you apprehensive you can either opt to "Back Up Now." That is usually located at the bottom of that screen.
Backing up your information makes it very simple to migrate to a new device when you upgrade and replace your phone due to loss, stolen or damaged. Once your new phone is set up on the network just log in to your Cloud and the information should download automatically. If you do switch to a new device always ALWAYS remember your iCloud email (username) and password. That's they keystone to everything! 😎
Do yourself a favor. In order to save your friends from thinking you hate them because you've lost your contact information - back up that info. In order to sway having your business go into default because you can't monitor transactions on-the-go - back up that info.
Happy back ups and may your thumbs do the walking. :)))))

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