Thursday, August 21, 2014

ISIS in Iraq, US Southern Border, George Washington and Ferguson, Missouri

The American journalist and war reporter for GlobalPost James Foley was beheaded this week by the cowardice of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) in the Middle East.  Instead of being an epic calamity of proportions of moral superiority it is carpeted on relatively subdued action.  In fact there is much more attention given to the local issue in Ferguson, Missouri than there is in atrocities committed against Americans abroad.  How is it that we've become numb and indifferent to such graphic murders that in President Ronald Reagan's time would've caused a decisive and quick end to such a terrorist organization?  What is there to learn from this?

Since 9/11 Americans have been inundated with images of beheadings and Hitler-like barbaric acts against human beings that defy belief and the very nature of our species.  No doubt it is also a part of human nature to be lessened in outrage with consistent examples of atrocious behavior from extremists before our eyes.  Perhaps Americans need to reacquaint themselves with that part of the innate American spirit that would never allow such things to happen to not only Americans themselves but also the truly oppressed abroad. 

We are Americans and we are better than what we've become.

We human beings are very slow to learn.  One would think that especially after the Jewish Holocaust in the 20th century we would've learned how to prevent or at least not tolerate such actions again.  Now we have Syrian video of people purposely being enslaved and starved in camps.  We now have ISIS in Iraq exterminating and exiling Iraqi Christians to the mountains.  With the induction of the Internet, social media and portable communication devices we are now seeing in real time the ruthless nature of man going on around the world.  

Do we need another George Washington to morally and militarily lead us back to humility and the purity of our American endowed power and authority - and responsibility?

Though domestic events such as the recent Michael Brown in Ferguson are important, it is ever crucial for any sitting President to discern what his level of mantle should address and not address in domestic issues.  His mantle should be last in the line of recognition and spoken disdain.  Unless there is a natural or economic calamity within our borders that affects the whole of this country, the President should resign himself from public statements unless all other channels such as state and local authorities have broken down.  This is key in maintaining order in the United States of America.  This is key in tempering the passions of the people who do not have all the facts in the matter.  The focus of the President of the United States should foremost be on the sovereign protection and prosperity of the United States and the guarding of the Constitution of the United States.  

Briefly getting back to foreign policy, diplomacy can work and can be good in dispelling further killings of our people abroad.  Yet, is there not a point when action must precede diplomacy?  As we've heard in recent years of that imaginary "red line" in the sand being crossed, is not public beheadings and happily admitted murders qualify as such lines?  In response we wait for the rest of the world to act.  They won't - at least not in large part as has been historically proven.  It is our duty to avalanche the murderous from their oppression of the innocent.  Not in pockets of action, but in a decisive move the world cannot deny.  A nation must take a leadership role in instances that are truly black and white - good and evil.

Administration puppets boost votes and approval ratings by turning attention to domestic issues.  They spend millions sending legions of federal agents to investigate into a local case.  This is not to suggest the sustaining of suppressing an important issue, but rather enhancing the justice of it.  Preying on the passions of the people corrupt the nature of any investigation.  Even if an investigation and/or jury finds in defense of Officer Darren Wilson, in the local and broader public eye he will be marked and convicted simply because the highest of authority clear down to the lowest denominator of activists such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have prematurely stuck their nose where is shouldn't be.  This isn't order and serving the greater good of the United States.  This is being paid to prey on the passions of the people whether monetarily, politically or in proxy of someone else and their agenda.

Obviously this post jumped between foreign policy and domestic issues primarily Ferguson, Missouri.  The purpose and intent of this post was to bring awareness to a quiet yet larger problem of proper leadership.  A unique leadership that the United States needs in these perilous times is in likeness of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and even Ronald Reagan.  We are in desperate need of a leader who is willing to stand up and seal the border to Mexico allowing only proper channels for freedom-minded and happiness-minded immigrants.  That should be among the primary duties of the President, especially since the commencing of vocal threats from ISIS to create havoc on U.S. soil and their involvement with the drug cartels in Mexico.  

We have a moral, economic and military responsibility to the world.  It starts by securing the home front first.  When will we receive an exceptional leader that will have the likeness of some of the above-mentioned former Presidents manifested in their speech?  When will we receive a man who will awaken the pure spirit of what an American is in each of us?  

When will we be worthy to receive?

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Will Border Collapse be Prelude to American Dissolution

The border crisis along the Mexico/United States line has similarities with the conflict along the line between Israel and the West Bank.  The southern border of the United States of America is one of those topics and has become explosive in many corners of the nation.  Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants stream across the border from the south.  A bulk of which are children.  Many of these children are sick with Chicken Pox and even Tuberculosis.  The health risk grows in children and adults from many countries.  Not only do we have Mexican, but also Nicaraguan, Honduran, Guatemalan, Costa Rican and even further south.

Many demand to send them back immediately south of the border.  Others say be compassionate and welcome them in.  The politicians opine according to the voter block.  I believe we are making this issue more difficult than it is.  There is a way we can use reason as well as compassion.  In any event, order can only be restored first by securing the border.

History is filled with examples of borders and lines not to be crossed.  It is how peace and order is maintained.  It is how empires govern their peoples.  It determines taxes and social services.  Borders organize the human mind into workable lifestyles.  It is my own personal belief that we all existed with God before our birth.  I believe that Lucifer and his minions were cast out for rebellion thus becoming Satan.  It is also my belief that he and the fallen worked hard to tempt and influence us to follow them.  I believe that those who chose to remain strong with the Father formed lines which couldn't be crossed.  It was the barrier which continues today.  That membrane, those borders we recognize every day protect us and our happiness.

It was recently illustrated in the media that the Statue of Liberty stands as a beacon that welcomes all who wish to enter.  The United States has welcomed people with dreams from all parts of the world among all walks of life.  Yet, in concert and companionship to the Statue of Liberty stands Ellis Island.  This is the place equally famed among people near and far as the gateway into prosperity into the New World.  This is where immigrants penned their name in registration and began the process of becoming new citizens of the United States of America.
Ellis Island
It is a miracle!  It is truly a miracle that the United States hasn't been attacked by individuals and groups who may have pre-planned crossing the southern border.  In many ways we actually have.  It doesn't have to be in style of 9/11 or even Oklahoma City.  We've been suffering an incursion of drugs and gangs as well as an unprecedented taking advantage of the American tax payer in health benefits and welfare.  The United States actually rewards people for illegally entering the most promising nation in the world.  Will this all cause a collapse in social services under the guise of laws deceitfully passed to pacify certain voters?  Yep!

One of the prime objectives of Israel, and by extension the IDF (Israel Defense Force) is the destruction of all tunnels leading underground from the West Bank or Gaza Strip into Israel.  These tunnels are used by Palestinian Hamas supporters to smuggle weapons and to launch ambush attacks on Israel.  This infringement on the sovereignty of Israel is not too unlike what the United States is experiencing with it's Mexican border:

  1. Yes, there is bloodshed though not to the extend taking place in Gaza and along the 1950 Armistice Line.  Border Patrol Agents as well as illegals are dying in skirmishes and violence outbreaks.
  2. Drugs and weapons are being smuggled from Mexico into parts of Texas, California and New Mexico.  Heroine, cocaine, marijuana and other exotic toxins are being funneled into the United States in frightening quantities.
  3. Gangs and criminals commit incursion into the United States for the express purpose of harm toward it's citizens.  Our prisons are overrun!  Lighter sentences and even arrests without incarceration is exercised throughout the U.S.  
  4. Though it may not be the case in Israel, tunnels from the Mexican border are also used for prostituting and slaving young females and males to U.S. buyers.  This is a billion dollar industry and many poor and destitute families are willing to sacrifice a young child for the few dollars or rations to feed the family.
  5. Illegal immigration and unlawful crossing of the borders pose an imminent threat against the United States just as in Israel.  To deny a clear danger or imminent threat to American lives from the collapse of the border is to have literal closed eyes.  It is to say it is dark when the sun is at noonday.  
The character, or lack of, of our elected officials in Washington is completely un-American.  They've chosen not to work for the greater interest of the American public.  They've chosen not to listen to their constituents and the outcries of their posterity.  Here we have all 5 points listed above taking place on southern border and the Senate elects to take a hiatus.  This is wrong!

We have got to wake up.  There is no way a prosperous moral nation can survive with open borders without any accountability or registration process.  It is physically impossible!  The risks are not only too great but - inevitable.

On a final note there is a generational danger in undocumented illegals.  We are in the midst of an unprecedented awakening of family history.  Searching for family members and family lines are among the top related searches on the Internet.  People want to know who they are and the scores of whom they are the culmination of.  Hundreds of thousands donate untold numbers of hours without monetary compensation to index names.  What is indexing?  Indexing is the process by which physical records, whether paper or microfiche, is interpreted and arbitrated through a second hand before it is permanently loaded searchable on the Internet.  These records are census, war and a host of other kinds of records including immigration.  

Identifying your family line is imperative.  It can help you understand your own medical history.  It gives you access to photos and stories that contribute to who you are.  Especially with these kids being sent over the border, don't you think they may someday want to search for their roots in their own inevitable journey of self identification?  There is a deeper and more meaningful reason behind being documented than just being able to be taxed.  

To be documented is to be opportuned to acquire that integrity that enables one to thrive nobly in society, and to invoke fond dignity from their ancestors as one magnifies their own family lines.  It isn't inhumane to enforce documentation of immigrants.  It is a service which we have cannot comprehend the full benefits of.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Islam Established Caliphate Iraq and Middle East

It is a dangerous excursion into genocide, holocaust and outright extermination that mankind has taken over the past 100 years.  Whether Jew or Gentile, the threat is and has been real dependent on which year it is.  The 20th century on into the 21 have proven wondrous by way of medicine and technology yet grotesque in the treatment of other races and faiths.  The Jewish Holocaust was a gruesome display of what man can do to another.  Though as of yet not as brutal, Christians around the globe are being targeted for expulsion and death - especially in Iraq and the Middle East.

Download short story from Amazon of Nazis in Czechoslovakia based on true account.

Islamic extremists have been dealt with far too much as fellow diplomats.  Those with only hatred in their hearts cannot be reasoned with or trusted.  They cannot be relied on to promote and represent the common good of the people.  They will kill, and they will do it in belief of going to heaven if they do it.  It is truly a mutilation of basic human reasoning that has become a severe handicap over the past 100 years.

These extremists want to erect a caliphate state or a state ruled under an Islamic religious and political leader.  They are producing such with a foundation of terror, death, intolerance and ethnic cleansing.  Sure..... that's a great way to ensure a prosperous and happy future for the people of that state.  These extremists are so terminally short-sighted that I only ask one thing.  What then after you've established a bonafied "caliphate" state?

There are no productive plans.  In all reality, when the land has been purged of all faiths other than their own they will end up sitting on their thumbs not knowing what to do or how to prosper their people.

It is amazing how with all our human "progress" we are still Neanderthals in our treatment with each other.