Friday, August 1, 2014

Islam Established Caliphate Iraq and Middle East

It is a dangerous excursion into genocide, holocaust and outright extermination that mankind has taken over the past 100 years.  Whether Jew or Gentile, the threat is and has been real dependent on which year it is.  The 20th century on into the 21 have proven wondrous by way of medicine and technology yet grotesque in the treatment of other races and faiths.  The Jewish Holocaust was a gruesome display of what man can do to another.  Though as of yet not as brutal, Christians around the globe are being targeted for expulsion and death - especially in Iraq and the Middle East.

Download short story from Amazon of Nazis in Czechoslovakia based on true account.

Islamic extremists have been dealt with far too much as fellow diplomats.  Those with only hatred in their hearts cannot be reasoned with or trusted.  They cannot be relied on to promote and represent the common good of the people.  They will kill, and they will do it in belief of going to heaven if they do it.  It is truly a mutilation of basic human reasoning that has become a severe handicap over the past 100 years.

These extremists want to erect a caliphate state or a state ruled under an Islamic religious and political leader.  They are producing such with a foundation of terror, death, intolerance and ethnic cleansing.  Sure..... that's a great way to ensure a prosperous and happy future for the people of that state.  These extremists are so terminally short-sighted that I only ask one thing.  What then after you've established a bonafied "caliphate" state?

There are no productive plans.  In all reality, when the land has been purged of all faiths other than their own they will end up sitting on their thumbs not knowing what to do or how to prosper their people.

It is amazing how with all our human "progress" we are still Neanderthals in our treatment with each other.

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