Friday, October 10, 2014

North Korean Kim Jong Un Gone Walkabout

The Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea is missing.  With virtual blackout conditions with media accuracy of news within North Korea there is only much speculation on the whereabouts of Kim Jong Un.  In the midst of the media frenzy there is one epic best selling probability of where the Supreme Leader might be.

Much speculation is circulating of worsening medical conditions.  Still others say he is the victim of a quiet coup.  Neither renders truth when we factor in the history of this North Korean.  After a long identity crisis in his adolescent years he succumbed to the passions of his comrades in modernizing Pyongyang for the ongoing media blitz while inflicting servitude and destitution among the poor who are shunned from the cities.  He struggled to find happiness in torture.  He even found peace in separating the legs from granddaddy longlegs.  Oh, a poisonous man he became!

In silence he adopted a secret passion as a young man.  Being extremely displeased with his homeland's climate he sought comfort in far away lands.  At the age of 18 and using the famed Internet Service Provider Netscape he came across the hard rock music of the Australian Aborigines and became intrigued.  Being a modern young man he was a lover of online dial up.  Though a simple man of compassion he indoctrinated himself in the Aborigine ways from the confines of his closet.  Not being able to travel to his beloved Australia, Kim Jong Un was not able to partake in the ancient teenage rituals of the Aborigines.  This began a long struggle from within that lasted many years.

In the late Summer of 2014, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un had a mental breakdown when he used his ultra high powered telescope to view children's balloons floating the skies above Yeoncheon, a South Korean border town.  His super powered webcam atop the Tower of the Juche brought him to the knowledge of a childhood he never had.

In a stunning upset Kim Jong Un fits a mannequin under his bed sheets and scurries to the coastline to rent a kayak bound for Australia.  As of that moment he went Walkabout!

So, gaining his youthful right of passage, though now in his 30s, the Supreme Leader of North Korea is on an Australian Aborigine Walkabout for possibly the next six months.

In the meantime, the mannequin remains....

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