Sunday, January 12, 2014

Shenandoah Installs the Pledge of Allegiance

Given the current state of the world it isn't often we have something good and virtuous to report on.  I am pleased and filled with hope as the news crossed my ears that our youth in Shenandoah, the heartland and corn belt of America, are once again saying the Pledge of Allegiance at the High School.  It is my deep desire for the sake of the rising generation that this continues along with the displaying of our national flag.  With gratitude and thanks I humbly offer to the local school board and/or other entities and individuals that made this wise decision for the youth of this community.

Many of us remember the Pledge from our own youth.  We crossed our heart with our right hand and focused on the flag.  We weren't "offended" by any means.  In fact, patriotism aside, most of us enjoyed those few brief moments because it got us out of our seats and "saved" us from school curriculum (jokingly said).  By and large none of us knew the depth of meaning the Pledge of Allegiance was intended to produce in us.  Yet, in a subtle quiet way it did help bond us as one in an identifying way that we were all Americans.

"I pledge of allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Since when did this simple yet powerful few words cause so much heartache and distaste for so many with internal personal problems?  Is it really so difficult to understand that once you strip patriotism and allegiance from the schools it is a sure road to mutual and national distrust.  It also leads to entitlements and complacency.  In essence it strips all personal responsibility and the very spiritual means to prosper and appreciate the United States of America.  

Many of our modern leaders have been raised up by adverse means to lofty positions.  They would have us think that America is substandard and undeserving of the liberties its foundation ensures.  They seek to sway us from those things that have served to cement or unify us as a people on this blessed land.  Most all nations render its citizens under a singular flag.  Curious how we've let ourselves go so far as shrink to minority opinion and look with regret our flag and Pledge that so many have fought and died for.  Such sacrifice on many foreign lands as well as our own for the stars and stripes and the freedoms and liberties which they represent.  

That next phrase identifies the system of government we ascribe to.  It is interesting how the mass of talking heads in the United States render America as a Democracy.  This is incorrect as we are truly a Republic.  I believe this is a key part of the problem that is quietly swept under the rug.

This Republic stands as one nation under God!  I am confident and resolute in saying so.  I relish and give thanks for that assurance and truth.  This phrase doesn't dictate what form of God we are all to believe in.  Instead it just places our gratitude and prosperity at the feet of a God whom we acknowledge as being subject to.  This phrase is crucial!  With proper observance it prevents ill-decisions and most of all unproductive pride.  Any amount of study into nations that have fallen before should bear witness that conditions spiraled unto destruction with the boasting pride of its people caused by the virus of its leaders.

We simply acknowledge that Higher Power for which we owe everything.  Everything from our prosperity to our very lives and property.

The rest of the inspired Pledge characterizes our people as being one and equal in opportunity and liberty.  With so many people today screaming "unfair!" and feel entitled to certain things they fail to see that at the heart of the foundation of this nation we are still bound by basic liberties and freedoms that we can all take part in and benefit from.  Its only when we become "offended" that we feel infringed upon and belittled by those who do prosper in the United States of America.  

"To be offended is a choice we make; it is not a condition inflicted or imposed upon us by someone or something else."

This is a quote offered by David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Finally a leader takes the blade of truth to the heart of every American.  Unfortunately, many Americans would take offense to that statement about offense!  Duh!  Anyhow, I believe like quotes are what is needed from our national leaders.  They need to stop pandering to voter blocks and start trusting in God (i.e. the Pledge) in the discharge of their duty to serve the people and protect their freedoms and liberties.  To not do so would be to welcome a destruction the likes of which has never been seen before in the history of the world.  

I am grateful for Francis Bellamy who in 1892 under the inspiration from his Creator formed the Pledge of Allegiance.  I am grateful for a by-and-large God-fearing Congress of the United States who adopted the Pledge of Allegiance in 1942.  I am grateful for the inspiration of God in 1954 to install "under God" into the Pledge.  Again, I am grateful for the powers of the Shenandoah School system and others across the nation for allowing this vital piece of growth back into our schools.  Now, the test shall be to see if we all will maintain this standard or fold in time to political or legal-threatened pressures.

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