Friday, September 6, 2013

Can the United States Continue to Lead Alone?

It's an age old question at least since the industrial age when America's free enterprise drove the world into an era of unprecedented prosperity and advances.  Can the United States continue to occupy the mantle to lead?  Given the crisis in Syria, Egypt, Iran and other hot spots can the United States continue to assume that moral and economic guide for the world?  It's a tough question to dissect without pride creeping in or at least a small sense of self righteousness.  Either way, the question must be asked!

It cannot be challenged that the United States was organized by genius with pure intent.  Our Founding Fathers had a vision far beyond the confines of their time.  It is their inspired brilliance that endowed the individual the liberty and freedom to expand his own prosperity.  To be enterprising and innovative with the materials and assets that he has.  This successful track record has adorned us with a living testament of what freedom and liberty can afford someone who is willing to work and strive for it.

It is a unique perspective indigenous to Americans.  However, this perspective of testament carries with it a heavy responsibility.  Because of our industry and diversity we've assumed an economic and political role that all other countries pale in comparison.  It's not a pride thing, just a reality check.  If not the United States then some other country would assume the prestige.  So in the face of the world do we foster tyranny for the world to take note or genuine nobility?

In my humble opinion the guarantee of liberty and freedom brings one closer to his or her true self and purpose.  That which enables you to grow allows you to become more competitive yet compassionate.  It drives your hunger to learn yet share.  It's the chain freed American in vast numbers that have made America great.  At heart we are not afraid to lead in business sectors and we tend to come out of the woodwork in humanitarian efforts.  We take chances and come away with new inventions and improvements that spawn entirely new industries.

Yes, it is possible for this country to continue to lead.  However, we really need to make some corrections to regain that proper image before the world.  First and foremost is infrastructure and the surety of the Dollar.  The recent conflicts and wars over the past decade alone have proven that money doesn't grow on trees and it doesn't take much to spend us into oblivion at the risk of our grandchildren's future.  We now truly feel vulnerable because of this economic financial calamity.  Because of indebtedness we are insecure over border issues.  We are insecure over domestic vs foreign energy.  We are insecure over the state of education.  Emotional insecurity is bound eternally with economic security.  Before we can adequately supply the world with humanitarian and compassionate aid as well as that stable economic super power, then we must succor the needs of our economic infrastructure.

We probably need to start realizing that financial matters tend to be more subject to emotion than math.  We need to stop being so impassioned and overboard in our proposed expenses as a country.  Virtually all the bills that go to the floors of Congress are filled with pork spending that benefits certain constituents in order to secure a future election.  This isn't fiscally responsible or moral as an elected steward of the taxes of the voter.

It is currently our duty to lead the world.  There's no way around it.  All life is a comparison to something else until you reach the top or recognize the bottom.  Therefore, in order to nurture the moral and economic health of all countries on this little blue globe we need to first nurture our own.  May we soon have worthy leadership in Congress and the White House to carry us into prosperity boundless.  In addition, may we have a people who strive to labor for their happiness and seek fervently toward independence and liberty.

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