Sunday, April 7, 2013

Americans Leave Labor Force

Discouragement is a venomous condition that spreads like a virus.  It can not only bring down the individual but it assuredly can bring down a nation.  Such is the current news of unemployment versus the vast numbers of Americans leaving the workforce.  It doesn't take a Masters degree to understand that it is work and the ingenuity of the American heart implementing liberty that makes this country prosper.  Work, whatever labor it may be, provides the necessities of the home and enables the head-of-household to protect the family.  That is the foundation of what work is.  That is the foundation of the function of work for the American home.

One would have to be blind not to see that jobs in America overall are disappearing at a frightening rate.  The reasons can be debated all day long, but at least from my observations I look toward the President of the United States and the legislators in both houses of Congress.  From my perspective I see a re-elected tyrant whose hidden agendas are becoming ever clearer by the day.  I see escalations in spending with little discipline of budgeting.  I see the Dollar, the lifeblood of American prosperity being devalued.  What's worse is that I see a desensitized American public unwilling to make the changes necessary to bring this country back to a status of responsible power and liberty.  The spirits that God selectively placed to grow in the United States have chosen to be so easily swayed to be dependent on a government that has clipped the wings of liberty.
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I don't feel like rehashing all the reasons and citing all the unconstitutional acts just to prove my point.  Why? Well, at this juncture I cannot fathom this argument to be arguable!  Furthermore, I believe it would be a waste of my time to try and convert someone to a reality that is squarely in front of their face.  I no longer have the time or patience to debate with such extensive display of ignorance.

As Americans, as citizens of the United States, as children of the inspired Constitution we have not only the right but also the responsibility and obligation to peaceably put off this government.  I say peaceably because the structure must be maintained.  If we are to sustain the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence as worthy documents to live by then the order must be maintained.  Yet, we use the tools afforded us to replace the tyranny that has been festering in Washington for decades.  With a Obamacare purposely designed to destroy the United States and legislators pandering to the minority vote its no wonder we're in the mess that dirties our boots.  We now debate in the halls of Congress legislating violent and deliberate acts against U.S. citizens.  We debate gun control and suppressing the Second Amendment over heinous acts committed by those mentally disturbed.  The very means of protection is being stripped from us by the very entity that the Second Amendment was designed to protect the citizen from.  You bet we have the right to use any firearm to protect our property and rights from our own government.
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Workforce confidence is low and a growing number of businesses are leery to hire.  The cost of providing healthcare insurance has as much as quadrupled since 2010.  On top of that this has caused many employers to cut employees down to part-time to evade health plans altogether for their employees.  It stinks, it sucks but can you really blame the businesses for such decisions.  Not if you want them to stay open.  Our government has openly put in place a carefully laid out plan to move the growing sectors of the lower economic classes to government dependence.  Is this really where you want to be?

We are not true Americans if we answer in the affirmative that this is where we want to be.  America is uniquely apart as cherishing liberty and the freedoms to reap what we sow.  This oftentimes requires the American mind to not take the path of least resistance.  It requires us to work and toil for prosperity.  It requires us to appreciate liberty and the blood which that liberty has cost.  If we give in and opt into a system designed to ensnare us, we thus surrender a part of our liberty which defines us as providers and protectors.

Assistance is needed at times but it should never be used as a crutch to continue or acquire bad habits.  If we suddenly become without a job it is our duty to beat the street constantly until work has been reacquired.  THIS MAY EVEN REQUIRE YOU TO RELOCATE ELSEWHERE IN ORDER TO FIND WORK.  I cap that because many give up on job hunting since the local market is so bleak.  So the idea is "give up" and rely on the government who advertises your full funding for the next two years.  Fellow Americans we are not to idle away our time.  We are to be active and industrious.  A lack of jobs locally does not indicate a lack of jobs elsewhere.  Go and do in order to sustain your integrity and dignity.

If we are to reacquire that American spirit that made this nation great in the first place then we have got to get the strength and courage to address those who lead us.  There are a few who still champion our cause but by and large self interest governs them.

I so testify that the Constitution will not be altogether stricken, but we are allowing it to be tested and tried.

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