Saturday, March 10, 2012

Flag Burning and Patriotic Service to the American Flag

On this day of Saturday, March 10, 2012, Post 88 Auxiliary retired a sizable number of American Flags from service in a flag burning ceremony in Shenandoah, Iowa.  Preceded first by a ceremony of the District 7 Junior Auxiliary, Post 88 then commenced their official ceremony at the Bricker room before heading outside for the burning.  The Junior Auxiliary presented worn and faded flags to Post 88 for retirement as seen in the picture below.  It was a good experience for these young auxiliary leaders.
In a dignified and solemn manner these member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) acted in accordance with honor and respect in laying to rest the symbol of American freedom and liberties purchased and protected by the blood of millions of servicemen both past and present.  Standing with the guard I'm sure were our Founding Fathers who look on at a troubled nation.

It's an ideal time for all of us to reflect on what the United States flag means to us.  Aside from the media rhetoric dig deeper into your own hearts and assess your own loyalty.  As you go about your day choosing what grocery store to attend and what groceries to get consider the human cost of that liberty.  As you visit a family member's home across the river in the next state consider the freedom to do so without the need of special papers or border patrols.  When you attend a local City Council meeting be mindful of the immense power you are given to voice your own thoughts and the blood expense afforded you by the vast numbers to protect that right.  It's the integrity of the flag that's eternally bonded with the integrity of each individual United States citizen.

I would encourage the citizens of Shenandoah, Iowa, as well as all citizens to become more involved with your local government.  Even more so sanctify your own homes with dignity fitting of a United States member.  Foster loyalty and integrity for the flag and your fellow man.  Only by perfecting the basic unit of society, that being the family, can we have a hope to sanctify levels of government and classes of people on up the ladder.

As your City Councilman it is my sworn duty to uphold the virtue of the United States and to be your voice. The Constitution of the United States is my freely accepted backbone and my measure of how I execute decisions effecting Shenandoah.  Take the challenge to ponder the US flag and take steps to protect it in your home, city and nation.  Cherish it and guard it with a moral code that is unwavering and immovable.  Don't let media or outside influences diminish your loyalty.

Let us not forget or shame the Pledge of Allegiance that used to be commonplace to start the school day.  It is the basic start of daily citizenship.  Please reinstate the Pledge of Allegiance into your schools across the nation.  A nation that forgets its purpose and under whom it flourishes is a nation that dwindles in unbelief of hope and prosperity.

This I offer in the wake of the memorable flag burning and retirement ceremony on this day.

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