Election 2012 is reportedly neck and neck in the polls. With just over ten days to go till the nation casts their vote we are now left we a damning question. This is a silent question the answer which can save us or condemn us. How in the world are we neck and neck in the polls? President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney are going heavy these last few days and will continue to do so through Hurricane Sandy. Who will save and protect this delicate nation?
All the polls whether the Times, Gallup, Reuters or other have the two candidates in a dead heat. Given the current climate this is unconscionable and I don’t mean the farce of global warming. We are heavily in debt well in excess of $16 trillion. That’s $140,000 for every single American taxpayer whether you like it or not. We have an Administration that claims no responsibility in these numbers. Their tactic, their answer, their flaw in their upbringing is that it’s all the guy before me.
The current unemployment is at 7.8%. This slight downward trend is being heralded, and bears a stark resemblance to Obama’s 2008 campaign as the media pictured him as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. 2.3 million jobs were lost last month. How can this be a good figure in comparison to the declining unemployment rate? This is bull! 9 million people have been purposefully removed from the labor force numbers. Gee, that skews things! Factor them back in and the unemployment rate jumps to nearly 20%. This has everything to do with government dependency and expansion and nothing to do with Baby Boomers retiring in vast numbers. Deception and agendas disguised as sheep are the foundation of how the government now figures the labor force and the unemployment rate. All this to uplift the public’s perception of the actions of their federal government.
We’ve now taken steps to allow the government to physically police the people. The National Defense Authorization Act is renewed each year. Fiscal Year 2012 as signed by President Barack Obama proved a very fruitful year for this bill in expanding the government overhead over the liberties of the American citizen. Though the verbiage steers toward terrorists and supporters, given the government’s accuracy record how confident are you in Uncle Sam’s claim that any certain American citizen is a terrorist? Let’s be clear - that’s indefinite detainment of an American citizen.
We have Libya still fresh in our minds. Yet, is it truly in our hearts? As the story unfolds before our eyes we are now daily reminded that the Administration, and by extension the President, knew and had repeated requests for added security leading up to September 11, 2012. It’s been proven that these requests were denied to the extent of the assassination of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other heroic Americans. Four Americans - denied their right to life by their own country whom they served. Yet, where is our outrage? Where is our demand for answers and accountability? This has actually become the most clear conspiracy in modern history. The facts are very new and ever transparent by the day.
How on God’s gem creation are the people of this country down to the wire on this imminent election? How? How? I’ll tell you how. There are forces at work that are unseen yet are so visible it’s uncanny. Here are a few ideas that I feel are real and come into play on the hearts of this election and also the black and white decision facing this nation:
- Four years ago this nation was swindled as the Arab arranged marriages overseas. Vast numbers of Americans voluntarily married Barack Obama and his Messianic messages of prosperity and protection. Strike one! As with any marriage, we are hesitant to call for a divorce so young in the marriage. After all, isn’t it supposed to be “in good times and bad?” The message was meticulous and seemingly delivered as Moses. Yet, for those who chose not to see through the anti-Constitutional rhetoric, they opted to place the ring on the finger.
- It’s a scientific fact that most elements and laws of action will take the path of least resistance. Barack Obama’s 2008 message was that he will carry us and make our burdens light. He would turn the deficit around in three years and make us an educated and prosperous people. This continues to be his message, even at the uninformed ignorance of so many Americans who cannot see the current economical and moral climate of the United States. The choice of Barack Obama was and still is the path of least resistance.
- This is an uncomfortable chance in publishing this but I echo the sentiments of what I hear. I love people of all religions and nationalities. In potential and worth I often place myself behind all others. It cannot be refuted that some of the reason for Barack Obama being elected in 2008 was because of his color. I know it rubs people the wrong way but if they would just scrape just under the crust of pride they would know that for many this is true. I herald the day that a natural born African American, Asian American or other may earn the seat in the Office of President of the United States! However, I cannot sustain someone voting on the merits that they think it’s time to have that quality in the Oval Office. That alone is racism above the claim I just mentioned. It’s racism right up there with the extending branches of Affirmative Action. These feelings also apply during this election year. People don’t want their reasons of the first election to fail without a second term in Office for their candidate. Why - because it will make them feel better...
- The media is another strike on the American liberty of choice. Mega network media has forged themselves to be liberal. Liberalism, in modern terms, denotes action out of good intentions but without regard or responsibility in the result. Action is what drives viewership to the networks and discipleship to their cause. Since the days of the Morgans and the Carnegies 100 years ago the media has learned to play on the public’s emotions and to subtitle them in demographics and statistics. Dividing them and targeting them is the sure step in influencing them. Barack Obama is a hard core liberal who relishes in government ideas to monitor equality among the people. This is part of the Obama appeal that attracted the blind partnership of the media.
- Everybody loves a mystery! Mystery invokes a participant to inherit the right of dissolution of responsibility, and at the same time reap the benefits and recognition of perceived triumphs. We know very little even after four years of the history of Barack Obama. The big stink in the 2008 campaign is the possibility of the unconstitutionality of Obama’s candidacy by being born outside American citizenship. True, eventually his Hawaiian Long Form Birth Certificate was released a couple years later it has yet to be backed up by a second witness. Many today still question his nationality as well as his college transcripts and documents. People want and need to know by what means he ascended to where he is. If Obama can claim that businesses don’t ever succeed without the government, then by what means and powers did he obtain great influence and recognition so quickly and obscurely?
Notable people have declared that republics and free people are destroyed little by little from within. Karl Marx outlined in a frightening way, exactly how the United States would take the path of communism and socialism that Barack Obama has gladly taken the driver’s seat for. Why is it that people cannot see that loss of freedom is not just in the passages of history but that it’s something real, alive and threatening ourselves and families? The national polls may be close in the race for President. Either the polls are skewed and/or there is a serious lapse of Presidential qualifications in the eyes of the public. Many will always vote along Party lines. That’s as degrading as the racism discussed above. The President prides on 2% economic growth. However, we’ve seen fluke spurts exceeding this on the positive and negative side. There is no economic recovery taking place. Instead, we have a planned public campaign of recovery assurance while advancing the cause of government dependence. There has never been a more apparent time to correctly cast your vote.
Cast your vote. No matter how you feel your vote is being treated it is still among the last privileges left us from the Constitution of the United States. It matters not to me who you cast your vote for. What does matter is that your vote is not cast for the incumbant President Barack Obama. Four more years of his policies, contrary to the Constitution and the good will of the people, and we’ll have lost all sight of our nation.
Before I close I offer one last thought. I’m an elected official on the City Council and there is a particular issue causing division in our community. It revolves around a proposed contract for our City Administrator. The public sees an appetizing unchanged salary along with a severance package equally enticing. The work force in this area is by and large low income encompassing factory and service workers. All hard working, noble and under-appreciated in value. Yet, because of the virus of the doctrine of redistribution of wealth and entitlements many of our good citizens are outraged by the numbers they see. They are outraged regardless of the fact that this man has earned his education, put fifteen years into his work, demonstrated millions of dollars in benefits to the community and been a major part of the aesthetics and beautification of our city. All that many Americans see nowadays is how unfair life is and they see no reason to take the steps to obtain the status they desire without stripping it from those who are already there and have earned it.
Regatta America'S Cup Bedding Coordinates (Google Affiliate Ad)
I call upon the pillars of the world, the American citizen. Come back to the Constitution, embrace the Declaration of Independence and learn the pure intentions of our Founding Fathers. Once you learn progress as They have intended for this nation your vote will no longer be neck and neck in the polls. Instead, you’ll have resolution in your heart and an assurance of the bright economic and moral future of the United States of America.
Short URL to this post http://tinyurl.com/obama-reasons
Before I close I offer one last thought. I’m an elected official on the City Council and there is a particular issue causing division in our community. It revolves around a proposed contract for our City Administrator. The public sees an appetizing unchanged salary along with a severance package equally enticing. The work force in this area is by and large low income encompassing factory and service workers. All hard working, noble and under-appreciated in value. Yet, because of the virus of the doctrine of redistribution of wealth and entitlements many of our good citizens are outraged by the numbers they see. They are outraged regardless of the fact that this man has earned his education, put fifteen years into his work, demonstrated millions of dollars in benefits to the community and been a major part of the aesthetics and beautification of our city. All that many Americans see nowadays is how unfair life is and they see no reason to take the steps to obtain the status they desire without stripping it from those who are already there and have earned it.
Regatta America'S Cup Bedding Coordinates (Google Affiliate Ad)
I call upon the pillars of the world, the American citizen. Come back to the Constitution, embrace the Declaration of Independence and learn the pure intentions of our Founding Fathers. Once you learn progress as They have intended for this nation your vote will no longer be neck and neck in the polls. Instead, you’ll have resolution in your heart and an assurance of the bright economic and moral future of the United States of America.
Short URL to this post http://tinyurl.com/obama-reasons