Recently I heard an interview with two candidates running for the office of Governor of Kansas. These two, one Democrat and one Republican, are teenagers and should be applauded for their courage and perseverance. However, a comment from one of them did strike me as a common narrative in light of the Florida school shooting leaving seventeen dead. The danger here is in the national dialogue of the issue which has become very passionate in those favoring strong gun control. The problem is not Gun Control vs Second Amendment as is illustrated in the media. What is not being said or explored is a deeper issue that we are too lazy and complacent to work on - Second Amendment vs Mental Illness.
One of the candidates for Governor stated that he understands the mental illness issue but that the problem comes down to guns in the hands of demented people and how to get the guns off the street. This was striking and I believe goes completely off the harder but necessary road of mental health and rebuilding the family unit in America.
Let us look at the facts. There were signs all over social media of this imminent threat - yet its still Gun Control vs the Second Amendment. Even the law enforcement was involved several times - yet its still Gun Control vs the Second Amendment. Family and school associates mentioned disturbing behavior and depression - yet its still Gun Control vs the Second Amendment. Is it not a viable comment to say that we are so lazy and complacent as to get ourselves in a frenzy and mentally ill when this happens that we want to attack the gun itself instead of the nexus of the problem? If we start updating and clarifying the Second Amendment we start the dangerous road to total arms confiscation. It is the simplest life lesson. Once you compromise one human principle or precept you are bound to make each associated transgression easier. You will also be increasingly more apt to accept your own excuses for said transgressions. You exclude one weapon you will assuredly take the road to arms confiscation.
The national outrage has become so ludicrous that we've totally stripped the perpetrator of any personal responsibility. Sure, we are all glad to see him in cuffs and in court, but in the public domain the media and American people have the weapon itself on trial. Not only have we stripped him of responsibility but we've stripped all those who saw the signs and did nothing - and its still the gun's fault.
Know this - with any increasing population and technology you will always have an increase in violent crime and the magnitude of each.
Had those with suspicions been more engaged would this crime have happened? Perhaps.
Had the perpetrator been given more personal one-on-one help would this have happened? Perhaps.
Had this person had positive people around him trying to befriend him would this have happened? Perhaps.
Had the mentally ill mainstream media been more engaged in positive reporting than divisive hate leading to deaths without a second thought would this have happened? Perhaps.
All these questions and more should be much more addressed and worked on before attacking the gun. There are millions of guns out there and this candidate and Hollywood stars want to advocate keeping arms out of the hands of children? That is a futile attempt even with the strictest of gun laws. Some of the toughest are in Chicago and look where that city is on crime. Have we not learned from history time and time again that when you regulate and add law upon law the underground market gets stronger and more appealing to especially the young? You cannot prevent guns in the hands of youth through legislation. However, you can by addressing the questions listed above and embracing the greatest American tragedy - the breakdown of the family unit.
It is easier to attack the gun because it is physical and we can see it. Humans are still too like Neanderthals and need to see in order to believe or do anything about. The gun is inanimate and cannot and never has chosen to kill someone. That intent rests solely on the person whose finger is on the trigger. Can we not finally address the real problem which is the human factor? Will horrible crime still happen if the above is addressed successfully? Yes, but it is the most logical and sensibly road to take. As I said, with population and technology comes crime. Controlling crime is entirely up to us by addressing the human side of mental health.
Our Founding Fathers were literally inspired word-for-word in the greatest Documents on earth. They knew the British history as well as other societies. They knew how they all grow toward their own destruction. If they were not inspired they would have taken care of the Amendments long ago to include all the "well", "if", and "should the situation arise."
Embrace the freedoms and liberties we have and work on that which is most apparent and critical - the moral breakdown of the American spirit.
That's all.
One of the candidates for Governor stated that he understands the mental illness issue but that the problem comes down to guns in the hands of demented people and how to get the guns off the street. This was striking and I believe goes completely off the harder but necessary road of mental health and rebuilding the family unit in America.
Let us look at the facts. There were signs all over social media of this imminent threat - yet its still Gun Control vs the Second Amendment. Even the law enforcement was involved several times - yet its still Gun Control vs the Second Amendment. Family and school associates mentioned disturbing behavior and depression - yet its still Gun Control vs the Second Amendment. Is it not a viable comment to say that we are so lazy and complacent as to get ourselves in a frenzy and mentally ill when this happens that we want to attack the gun itself instead of the nexus of the problem? If we start updating and clarifying the Second Amendment we start the dangerous road to total arms confiscation. It is the simplest life lesson. Once you compromise one human principle or precept you are bound to make each associated transgression easier. You will also be increasingly more apt to accept your own excuses for said transgressions. You exclude one weapon you will assuredly take the road to arms confiscation.
The national outrage has become so ludicrous that we've totally stripped the perpetrator of any personal responsibility. Sure, we are all glad to see him in cuffs and in court, but in the public domain the media and American people have the weapon itself on trial. Not only have we stripped him of responsibility but we've stripped all those who saw the signs and did nothing - and its still the gun's fault.
Know this - with any increasing population and technology you will always have an increase in violent crime and the magnitude of each.
Had those with suspicions been more engaged would this crime have happened? Perhaps.
Had the perpetrator been given more personal one-on-one help would this have happened? Perhaps.
Had this person had positive people around him trying to befriend him would this have happened? Perhaps.
Had the mentally ill mainstream media been more engaged in positive reporting than divisive hate leading to deaths without a second thought would this have happened? Perhaps.
All these questions and more should be much more addressed and worked on before attacking the gun. There are millions of guns out there and this candidate and Hollywood stars want to advocate keeping arms out of the hands of children? That is a futile attempt even with the strictest of gun laws. Some of the toughest are in Chicago and look where that city is on crime. Have we not learned from history time and time again that when you regulate and add law upon law the underground market gets stronger and more appealing to especially the young? You cannot prevent guns in the hands of youth through legislation. However, you can by addressing the questions listed above and embracing the greatest American tragedy - the breakdown of the family unit.
It is easier to attack the gun because it is physical and we can see it. Humans are still too like Neanderthals and need to see in order to believe or do anything about. The gun is inanimate and cannot and never has chosen to kill someone. That intent rests solely on the person whose finger is on the trigger. Can we not finally address the real problem which is the human factor? Will horrible crime still happen if the above is addressed successfully? Yes, but it is the most logical and sensibly road to take. As I said, with population and technology comes crime. Controlling crime is entirely up to us by addressing the human side of mental health.
Our Founding Fathers were literally inspired word-for-word in the greatest Documents on earth. They knew the British history as well as other societies. They knew how they all grow toward their own destruction. If they were not inspired they would have taken care of the Amendments long ago to include all the "well", "if", and "should the situation arise."
Embrace the freedoms and liberties we have and work on that which is most apparent and critical - the moral breakdown of the American spirit.
That's all.