Thursday, July 13, 2017

Bald With Wavy Hair in a Classy Convertible

Ah, yes!  I've never owned a convertible before up until about three months ago.  Since then it has been a joy and an excellent stress reliever.  Though I've put many dollars into it in repairs it has been well worth it.  After all, it is an '83 Ford Mustang.  Dealing with another Ford under my ownership has been a long suffering experience.  I had a Ford Tempo off the showroom floor many years back that spent more time in the shop then in actual use.  Fix Or Repair Daily has become a compass etched into my very DNA.

Anyhow, still in the spirit as I just got back from a sweet ride, I compose this blissful post as intended.

They say being bald is beautiful.  However, I would alter that to say "Being bald is beautiful when imagined with long flowing hair being blown back by the wind in a convertible."  Contemplate that inspired statement as you hang upon the tree of Wo equal to that of sitting in your roofed automobile.

Make no mistake all vehicles are designed to get you from point A to point B.  However, whether that vehicle has a soul or not makes all the difference in the world for the health, safety and sanity of the driver.  Modern automobiles have very little soul.  They're all the same!  There comes a point where the "aerodynamic" look becomes cliche and provide nothing to remember that vehicle by.  They have computers but not manly cough.  Sure, they hit 60, but they don't make the front end tilt when you press the accelerator in park.  Rise up!  Oh men of testosterone!  Man's best friend bears little resemblance to a dog but more like a classy well-loved vehicle.

As pertaining to my convertible it is like sailing in slow motion.  Cruising down the highway with the Cruise set at 57 really gets the blood going.  (Disclaimer: Being an old vehicle I fear blowing it up at any higher than that speed).  With sunglasses on and longing that in spirit my long locks of hair are dancing for all behind me to admire.  Fear departs!  Except that fear of a rain cloud or a deviant bird with exceptional aim.

Exercising a convertible is also a great weapon.  We hear all too often the doomed end results of road rage.  With a convertible, however, it causes an ear-to-ear grin to lift your arms after a long day or night at work and literally suffocate the engine of the car behind you.  Yes, wind plus ranking hygiene equals an unrivaled weapon against road rage.

Sure, my convertible is far from new and it gets a little embarrassing holding the door firmly to make sure it shuts.  Still it has something these new models do not have - character.  So for now I shall wipe my lovely old convertible with a diaper (name brand only and not generic) and sing it a lullaby every now and then.  For it is worth it for those occasions when the drive lifts one's soul to new heights.....and hopefully not to the mechanic's shop.

Friday, January 20, 2017

President Donald Trump Inaugural Protests

There are no protesters at the Inauguration festivities of President Donald Trump.  There is a difference between a protest and unemployed, willfully uneducated, terminally sensitive to the point of politically correct juveniles wanting a reason to break a window.  That's what is going on.  No protest just asinine behavior.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Instituting the Draft When Snowflakes Fly

The privilege to vote is among the grandest agencies we have as Americans.  As individuals, our vote is cast for particular people for noble reasons and for the most outrageous and pathetic reasons.  Nonetheless, each vote counts as a citizen of this nation.  Yet, there is a disconnect after the elections when everybody powers down from the campaign frenzy.  We no longer hold that elected representative accountable for their actions and promises.  Not only does that dissolve the integrity of that official, but it also dissolves our civic integrity as responsible Americans.  This extends to not only campaign promises but also basic decency as human beings.

I turn your attention to this past 2016 Presidential Election.  In fact, I extend your attention beyond even through President-Elect Donald Trump's cabinet picks and leading up to and including the Inauguration.  The partisan display is reprehensible!  The Constitutional Process of electing the President of the United States is the apex of our system of government.  It is the capstone of the collective will for the direction of our country.  It assures peace as power transfers to the successor.  It prevents tyranny and resets the political balance.

First off, scores of Democrats will be boycotting this Inauguration coming up in a couple days.  No, this is not unprecedented.  Throughout the political history in this nation as well as all others it has become a custom many Democrats, Republicans and others to not associate or support incoming powers elected by the people.  This lame childish behavior is something you would expect on an elementary schoolyard.  No American should expect or accept such behavior from their elected officials in Congress or any other venue of government.

As Americans of all persuasion, we have an innate duty not only to each other but to the world, to uphold our elected leaders to the standards of basis human decency and respect.  How can I make that claim?  Because we are Americans duly bestowed to lead the world on all fronts and how we conduct ourselves will be the standard for the world.

I have mentioned snowflakes in the title of this address.  The term "snowflake" is a derogatory term used especially in the last few months to categorize those who feel entitled for things they never worked for.  This goes further into politics.  Many believe they are entitled to whom they want elected.  When things go adverse to their desires, instead of accepting and moving on as real Americans they throw tantrums and promote frivolous protests and anarchy.    Snowflakes are those who have been conditioned by the cunning of Marxism to be easily offended and extremely sensitive in order to justify and enable the government to take care of them.  Entitlements and becoming a snowflake is a major point applauded in the holy grail of Marxism.  By design this "ism" snowflake syndrome is perpetuated through the most efficient and swift means available.  The media, Hollywood and vast rank and files of leadership have declared a literal war of political correctness upon it's own people.  As tainted gods they wish to remake man in their own image sharing the same skewed view of the world.  A nation of apathetic people is the icing for a spiraling people - just as the Romans of old.

Along with snowflakes I have entered the Draft into the title.  Now back in 1973 the Draft was discontinued.  In it's time it had served it's purpose.  Times changed and so the practice was dropped.  As an American who actively studies the founding principles of the United States I reject the forced compulsion of all types.  It strips all that we hold dear like agency and the freedom of choice.  If a person needs to be forced into an activity of a noble end, then I feel it is best to teach the doctrine of that action and end so that the person can choose for himself.  I bring your attention to the Pledge of Allegiance and standing for the National Anthem.  These are basic American acts of patriotism that perpetuate principles of what it means to be a true American.  To raise a child to not want to adopt a sense of national identity is ludicrous and unbecoming of a parent.  It is slothful upbringing and sows the seeds of chaos.

I would never entertain the idea of instituting a forced draft again.  Yet, on the other side of the spectrum I would advocate all parents to raise their children in a manner of holding sacred the serving of their nation.  To have every child expect of themselves, as they are expected, to serve their nation even in the minimum.  The draft indicates the military but I'm not advocating military service.  Yes, it is one way to serve but there are many ways to serve your nation in such a way that will help identify you as a compassionate patriot of the United States of America.

Stop the snowflake syndrome!  I implore all Americans to find the will of personal change.  Work for that which will sustain you and further your prosperity.  Don't degrade your potential by dwelling on wants.  That leads to an unsettled spirit of believing you are inherently owed something.  To the elected officials I say stop the infantile asinine behavior!  You are an elected official of a country ordained to lead.  Believe and act the part.  Cherish and honor the Constitutional systems.  Whether your candidate won or lost show your integrity and respect by attending the Presidential Inauguration.  Participate in bipartisan efforts.  Be open to various views.  Only an ass would believe his view is the only correct path.  Everyone needs to see the danger of being a snowflake without a backbone.

Normally I do not engage in categorizing.  Using the term snowflake is unsettling.  However, given the stark displays of late it is difficult not to.  The differing views of basic things is so startling that it is for some to declare at noonday that the sun still does not shine.  It is to say that you have no shoes when they are indeed on and laced up.  It is to say there is no food when you've got a hamburger in your hand and a shake in the other.  People have divided themselves up on a curved metal bar with a thin fulcrum representing liberty trying to keep it in balance.  Opinions are so far left or right that they cannot see anything else, and change is a long uphill journey on that curved bar toward balance.

Basic human obstacles of right and wrong are all now up for grabs in the game of compromise and self justification.

In the case of President Donald Trump we have cast stones when we, ourselves, are dirty with sin.  We haven't allowed this new President to change and have the weight of the Office and the spirit of all his predecessors work upon him.  We cast stones for stupid reasons of character.  Look back through your personal history.  Many of the things he's declared throughout his campaign are things you and/or your neighbor have said in conversation but dared not in large assembly.  Yet, when one man finally has the balls to declare those things to the world he is chastised and raked over the coals.

In brief closing I would just encourage everyone to do some serious self reflecting.  Look at how you've changed over the course of your life.  Allow our new President the same privilege.  Allow yourselves to be truly happy and prosperous through work so that you won't take anything for granted or handed to you.

These are my thoughts in the final 48 leading up to the Inauguration of President Donald Trump.