Monday, June 22, 2015

Bald Eagle vs Turkey Vulture on American Patriotism and Hope

So why did the patriotic bird say, "Fear not and shrink not from the sting of hatred.  Freedom is a gift from God, and it is He who inspired the Founding Fathers to weave religious freedom, prosperity and happiness into the very fabric of the United States of America.  Fear not, but be diligent and stalwart in defense of this great nation!  Fear not, for my posture is a symbol that those who dwell in this nation can overcome all obstacles and the fiery darts of the adversary.  Fear not, but believe in the foundation of this country - freedom!  Fear not - and realize the full potential of happiness of the one and the many!"

Answer:  Because we as United States citizens needed to hear it.
Though written to start off as a joke it is obviously not.  Yet, it is a good segway into the context of a profound spiritual experience I had on the Wabash Trace in Southwest Iowa just outside of Shenandoah.  Though overwhelmingly God does not vocally speak to us in person, He does speak through other means.  This includes other people, life situations and the environmental setting.  These experiences can only come at the perfect time for that person to receive it, decipher it, acknowledge it and choose to implement it.  I would be remiss if I didn't share the magnitude of the one given me on a perfect sunny June morning in 2015.
I'm not a great orator, prophet or even Clark Gable.  Thank goodness I'm not Justin Beiber!  Anyhow, though this may sound completely stupid, those who know me well enough know that I seek meaning in all things I come in contact with.  With that said here is what the Wabash Trace revealed to me.

I usually hit the Shenandoah Fitness Center five times a week.  I follow this up with a stroll on the Wabash Trace from the old Shenandoah Railroad Depot to the Nishnabotna River bridge.  Thoughts of current events and the many paths of life's choices are companions on this journey.  Often I become very ill-motivated from these thoughts, but if it keeps my blood flowing and my heart pumping then the more power to it.

Seeing the Nishnabotna River is something this guy looks forward to.  Because I was ready to receive it, this time as I ascended the walkway arch my eyes were drawn upward at a high dead tree on the other side.  Atop this tree sat eight large vultures.  Every couple minutes another would coast in circling toward toward a branch.  When it landed one took off.  What impressed me so what that at any one given time four of the birds sat there majestically upright with their wings still and spread.  They looked just like the eagle on the quarter!  These four were each facing a different direction - against the four winds if you will.

As many know, the four winds have an ancient historical significance to the beliefs and culture of many peoples of the earth in all dispensations of time.  Having studied this it was significant to me as well.  Standing there watching these birds drew many ideas.  I've never seen foul act like this before.  They were fully taking in the wind, the resistance from all directions, and sun that was afforded them.  They stood as a symbol and inspiration of hope that all things can be overcome and conquered.  This was the message to me.

My mind tracked over to a scriptural passage of Genesis 3:23-24:
Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

Up till now this passage understandably came across as a form of punishment for Adam and Eve.  In part that may be, but the new insight was that it was also a positive motivation given to them.  They were given a glorious heavenly being to look toward not so much with fear, but with hope and knowledge that though they couldn't touch the Cherubims, they could live their lives in such a way that they could receive the majesty that they were privy to.  They could overcome the painstaking trials of life and still come out favored.  The Cherubims were symbols of hope just as the vultures were to me at this particular chosen time.

I constantly struggle to find meaning in everything I come in contact with and experience.  The dead tree may represent the decline of values in the United States.  Condensing it down to me, it may also mean a decline of hope and courage.  Though a real Bald Eagle was not manifest, a vulture was sent with the same message of hope until the time that I or the nation is worthy of the Eagle.

In conclusion we each have our own occasions of inspiration according to who we are as individuals.  This one to me at this time was profound and gave hope that because of the freedoms we have, we have every reason to be positive in the light that all despair can be vanquished.  The threats against us as individuals and as a nation are great.  Yet, because of WHO WE ARE - we shall conquer in the end.

Once we get over this hurdle and realize, once again, who we are - the world will know us again.

#America #Patriotism #scriptures #GardenofEden #birdwatching #Nishnabotna #Iowa #WabashTrace #ShenandoahIowa