A concern came up for discussion at the Shenandoah City Council meeting last evening concerning security in the Shenandoah, Iowa, downtown area. This focused on an area vital for business especially for late hour transactions. Various ideas were discussed but one thought was presented that I wish to delve into. Amidst the ideas, the concern was raised that we need to go to the root of the problem and not try and put a band-aid on it.
We have a great community and a well kept downtown especially since the Streetscape project has been completed. Because the downtown is attractive and well lit it has become a magnet for all types of residents and visitors. Of course, this was part of the intent of beautifying the downtown Shenandoah area. When you walk down Sheridan avenue on a wonderful Spring evening you will see several individuals and couples walking and some even with their baby carriages. This is a great sight to see because it engages families to bond even outside of the home and especially away from the television. This is good news for homes and family relationships and the community as a whole. On the other hand, there are other characters that this setting invites.
It's not indigenous to Shenandoah or even to the state of Iowa. Many of our youth and young adults in our country, and worldwide, seem void of respect and concern for others and engage in activities of loudness and contention in public. Generalizations are inappropriate but needless to say it isn't hard to identify the background of these types of individuals. I've said it before and I'll say it again without reservation. It all leads back to the home and what's taught there.
As a duly-elected city representative I strongly and humbly ask all parents to reassess your home and the precepts being taught within those walls. If the home isn't strong then the community has a weakness. Multiply that weakness by the number of homes falling into this category and you have a problem for any city or township.
How often have you seen a positive report go viral or spread strongly abroad? It's not often and not nearly as strongly or noticed as negative reports. What I'm getting at is this. If negative elements are seen by others, it reflects adversely on the community and the possibility of law abiding respectful residents and visitors from ever returning again. It's that simple!
Now, we can put band-aids on the situation and actions will and need to be taken. We can utilize the use of cameras on the street or even propose certain ordinances designating that area. These ideas are good but still doesn't hit the problem at home. Actually though, this is where the parents come in. It's not the responsibility of the City Council or even the Police Department to maintain order in your children. It's your responsibility. Take the steps now to raise the bar of standards in your home. For young adults, consider your responsibility and role in your community and circles. It's everyone's call to be a positive influence on others. It's right because that's what feels good to the heart!
Just the night before last I was walking downtown when an incident occurred that I felt compelled to call the police on. A mother was holding a child while screaming at a man in a parked truck. There was no obvious physical altercation or even an attempt at it. I don't know what the subject was about and I really don't care. As an elected official it is my duty to represent the interests of Shenandoah and the will of its residents.
Consider the repercussions of this senseless public display. If I were a CEO of a major pharmaceutical company considering locating a plant in Shenandoah, and heard that ruckus while staying at the downtown hotel, I might take a second thought at the atmosphere of the town and the future company sight. See how our every word and action can affect those of someone nearby? Because of bad experiences you can risk hundreds of potential jobs, effect families negatively and slow up the progress of prosperity of Shenandoah, Iowa.
Again, it goes back to the home. We all have choices to make. We all will make bad ones and good ones. However, because so many of us have taken such a narrow view of life we put ourselves in a position to consistently make the wrong choices.
Please consider these things as you build your mansion in Shenandoah.